1. The Bet

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Chanyeol's POV

School. The most dreaded time in our lives. The only reason I didn't skip days was because I have sports after and that is when I can take out all my stress on the court or the field. Most people find basketball or baseball to be stressful or something but to me it was calming and the only thing I wanted to do.

The final bell rang and I got up from my seat, stuffing my things in my backpack and walking out to meet Sehun and Jongin, or Kai as he preferred to be called. Standing at the doorway of their class I didn't think anyone else was there besides the two idiots, so I was surprised when someone bumped into me. A rather short someone at that.

"S-sorry" He whispered, my ears straining just to hear him.

"Maybe if you weren't looking down you could see where you were going." I said, but my voice wasn't harsh.

He mumbled another sorry before walking away and I shook my head at him. Sehun and Kai finally walked out and we started jogging to the gym so we weren't late. When we actually got there and changed though we were to late as when we came out coach was glaring daggers at us.

"Our own team captain is late huh? You three, full court sprints get on the line. Everyone else can stand on the sidelines." Coach yelled and I saw Sehun flinch beside me.

"How many do we have to do?" Kai asked and I almost face palmed.

There was one thing couch hated most, and it was asking when we get to stop.

"You were late, you know the drill. But since you asked I'll make it ten instead of five this time."

Looking up at the bleachers while walking to the line I saw that short boy from before sitting between Kyungsoo and Luhan who often watched our practices because of their boyfriends. We locked eyes for a second, but he looked away quickly and I didn't miss the pink tint on his cheeks.

3rd Person POV

Hearing the whistle the three boys took off, dead sprinting to the other end of the court. Baekhyun watched in admiration at how fast they actually were, especially the rainbow haired boy in the middle who he knew as Sehun, Luhan's boyfriend. Honestly he could see why the other two liked watching these practices, the guys here weren't to bad looking.

Chanyeol, Sehun and Kai finished their sprints and were currently trying to catch their breaths as coach was explaining that their captain would be in charge of practice since he had to leave. Chanyeol walked over to him and took the clipboard reading through their drills for today.


Two hours later and the eleven boys on the court were all breathing heavily and dripping sweat. Practices were getting harder as championships got closer, meaning more running when they messed up and drills getting faster paced. When they went back to the locker room Sehun immediately grabbed Chanyeol's arm and brought him to the hall just outside the door.

"Yah! What do you want?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking at his two friends.

"Did you see Baekhyun staring at you the whole practice?" Sehun asked and Chanyeol nodded, wondering where this was going.

"We are going to make a bet with you." Kai smirked.

"I'm interested now. What is it?"

"Make Baekhyun fall in love with you by the end of this month, if you succeed then we have to wear makeup to school for a week. But if you fall for him then you have to wear the makeup." Sehun said.

"What the hell kind of bet is that? You know what doesn't matter because I'm going to win. In fact let's make it so you have to wear the makeup to the games that week too." Chanyeol smirked and the two others nodded.

Baekhyun had to stay and wait for Luhan to say goodbye to Sehun so they could go home, since Baek lived with him. He finally saw the three from before walk out and come towards them, Kai going to Kyungsoo, Sehun going to Luhan and Chanyeol coming over to him?

"Hey, Baekhyun right?" The taller asked, although he already knew the answer.

Baekhyun just nodded in response, wondering why the captain of the basketball team would even spare him a glance, let alone talk to him. Chanyeol on the other hand just wanted to get the bet over with as quick as possible, he'd be as friendly and charming as possible and hope for the best.

"I was wondering if I could by any chance get your number?" Baekhyun looked up to the silver haired boy with wide eyes.

Chanyeol just chuckled and grabbed Baekhyun's hand, pulling a pen out from his backpack and writing his number on the back it. He looked up and got a wide smile, which he shyly returned.

"Text me, since I can tell you don't like talking a whole lot." He smiled again before walking out of the gym.

All that was running through Baekhyun's head was questions about why and how that happened. He talked about it to Luhan non stopped when they got home and Lu couldn't help but find it adorable how his brother was acting. Sehun and Kai were betting among themselves on how long it would be before Chanyeol came to them saying he lost. Sehun guessed three weeks and Kai guessed five.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new fic <3

A little info btw Baekhyun is not Luhan's blood related brother but you will find out about that in a later chapter, also this story takes place in very beginning of December since it is basketball season. Yes I do know it is middle of summer, but shhh it's for the story line just don't question it.

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