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This happens a couple days after Cronus's tour ends he's back home. This little bit would of established Cronus's relationship with his family (not very good) and start to build a long needed bond with his brother and their shared disliking of their father.

Cronus knocked on eridans door and waited for a reply
"Come in." Eridan said and Cronus entered his brothers room and closer the door behind him. Eridan lay on his bed reading and Cronus sat next to him.
"Is something wrong Eridan, you haven't been yourself much since you came back from sollux's place." Cronus asked, Eridan tensed up at the mention of sollux's name. Eridan though for a moment, sighed, and put his book down,
"Promise you won't hate me for what. I say?" Eridan asked looking worried.
"Promise" Cronus said, he knew some deep shit was about to go down between them two tonight.
"Ok so, you know I went to Sollux's place today" Eridan said
"Yeah" Cronus replied
"Well I went over to play some board games with him, we usually do that on Saturday afternoons, I go round for lunch and we have a big game of something. But I don't know why we do it? We always argue and leave in a bad mood, but come Monday its all behind us and we laugh about it."
"Ok." Cronus said, feeling tinges of emotional pain that he wasn't home enough for his brother or family.
"Well today we were busy fighting and... I hit him so hard his tooth fell out." Eridan said looking at his hands. Cronus, even though he wasn't around as much as he should be, could still tell when his brother was lying.
"Are you sure that's what happened? I did promise not to get mad at you or hate you, you can tell me." Cronus looked his brother in the eye to show he was serious
"We *murble murble*" Eridan mumbled
"It ok, you can tell me" Cronus said
"Well one moment we were fighting, and the next.... I don't even know who started it... It just happened." Eridan said and avoided eye contact
"Eridan, I won't hate you or even be annoyed at you." Cronus said being completely clueless to what Eridan was trying to say, and also agitated to find out.
"We... did something." Eridan said
"What did you do?"
"A thing"
"What kind of thing"
"A thing that people do sometimes"
"And what thing was that"
"A very thingy thing"
"What kind of thingy thing?" By now Cronus wanted to scream into a pillow because he hates not having any idea about anything
"A thing that you promise you won't get mad or hate me or anything like that if I told you."
"I promise" Cronus looked Eridan in the eyes as he promised and Eridan took a deep breath.
"We kissed." Eridan said quickly then darted under the blankets on his bed. Cronus sat there for a moment in shock, he wasn't mad at all, just shocked that his brother had kissed somebody, wasn't he too young for this? He's only 14, he should wait until he's at least your age.
"Eridan," Cronus said calmly "Eridan it ok, I'm not mad at you at all, I'm not against that sort stuff like dad is. I promise I won't say shot to mom or dad ok?" Eridan comes out and sits infront of Cronus not making eye contact.
"Thanks," Eridan said "and you don't have to say shot instead of shit, I'm 14 you know." Eridan says and scratched the back of his neck.
"So what happened, I want details on my lil' bros first kiss." Cronus said excitedly and Eridan blushed a little and smiled
"Well we were playing monopoly and Sollux said that I took extra money from the bank and that he should be the banker, so I defended myself, the the argument went onto the properties and I told him he was charging more then the cards said he should be charging, then after a while of shouting we both stood up and started throwing a couple of 'friendly' punches, I tackled Sollux to the ground after a while and then helped him up afterwards. My hand was around his back and he was holding my shoulder and when he stood up we... Kissed and it wasn't like a one way thing, we were both going along with it and then we both pushed away at the same time as well, Sollux was blushing and I was as well probably. But we just stared each other down for a moment before Sollux said 'new game?" And I said "yeah" and we packed up the monopoly and got risk out. It was weird because neither of us said anything but we had this mutual agreement not to talk about it. Sollux didn't hate me, and I don't hate him much more than I usually do so I think we're still friends? I'll find out when we meet at the arcade on Wednesday I suppose." Eridan looked nervous but when looking up at Cronus to see him smiling, Eridan couldn't help but smile too.
"How did it feel?" Cronus asked excitedly
"To be honest... Pretty wrong because we were both arguing just second before, and we're both boys, and Sollux already likes a girl in my class, and I like a girl as well, but what we did seemed rebellious, even though we had our own crushes, we still kissed, we aren't even dating or anything and the context was all wrong, but as well as feeling pretty wrong, it also felt pretty right, like, it felt like time slowed down, as if it were supposed to happen then and there for not a second longer or shorter, it felt disgustingly perfect." Eridan said, "say Cronus, have you ever, you know, done that, with like, a guy?"
Cronus stopped smiling so brightly and thought, no he hadn't, but he wishes he had. "No, not yet, hopefully sometime soon though, I have my eyes on a guy who went to my concert last week." Eridans eyes lit up
"Really?!" He asked in awe
"Yeah, you might know him, he might even go to your school, he wears this one red sweater a lot." Cronus says, mildy day dreaming
"Kankri!?" Eridan said in disgust a "little you like karkats brother?" Eridan said in disbelief
"You know Kankri?" Cronus said excitedly
"Not really, he's karkats brother, and he's the most stuck up person in the school, he also runs the gay/straight alliance club." Eridan says and Cronus absorbs the information like a sponge.
"The school has a club for that?"
"Well Kankri does and he quoted the charter of rights to let the school supply the room it's in. But you seriously have a crush on Kankri?"Eridan said
"Well yeah, he's a nice guy, he respects people, and is fun to mess around with and stuff." Cronus said and Eridan sat there still looking shocked.
"What's wrong with Kankri? He didn't murder anybody did he?" Cronus joked and Eridan laughed,
"No, just that according to karkat, ahem 'every fucking morning hes in the bathroom for like an hour jacking off to that fucking greaser, I don't even know how he could find a monstrosity like that even the slightest bit attractive, it's as if there's some mind numbing shit in the music but I'm not falling for that trick' which is basically karkat language for Kankri being a hopeless fanboy who listens to your music too much."
Cronus sat there shocked, kind of disturbed by the though of somebody doing stuff like just based off his voice. Kankri had seemed like a normal fan, not screaming all the time and actually having a conversation without 'I love you' every five seconds, but it turned out that Kankri was probably a hardcore fan just using him for popularity points.
"What's up?" Eridan asked detecting Cronus's sad mood.
"I just thought that Kankri was different, but it its like you say it it, then he's probably just using me to climb whatever social ladder he's on." Cronus side and let himself lie down on eridans bed and look at the ceiling.
"Cronus, it's not like that, trust me, if you knew Kankri even just the way I knew him than you'd know that he probably does want to be your friend."

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