Big Bad Bully

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Kankri opened the front door and the smell of Mac and cheese filled his noes.
"Kankri, you're home! Just in time for dinner!"
His mom called out from to kitchen. Kankri placed his bag by the door and went into the dining room for dinner.

"How was school today?" Kankri's mom asked her sons.

"Meh," Karkat grumbled earning a glare from his father.

"It was good. I also found out there's a new comic book store in town, just down the street from where I work." Kankri said and when he mentioned the comic book store, Karkat's eyes lit up for just a second. His brother was a comic book nerd on the inside.

After dinner, Kankri and Karkat both washed the dishes and retreated to their rooms. Kankri finishes his homework within an hour and grabs a snack. Laying down on his bed, eating chips, and listening to Cronus, Kankri reads over the tour details. There's a competition for a backstage pass. All you have to do is send in a fan mail with part of the magazine attached then you're entered for a random draw. Kankri finds a piece of paper a begins to write.

Dear Cronus
I have been a fan of your music since your first song and I'm very excited for the tour date near me. This will be the first time I see you live, I hope you notice me.

Kankri decided not to put anything worthwhile in the letter because he knew it wouldn't be read by Cronus. Also a feminine version of his name, because a male saying that is just creepy. Kankri puts the entry form and the fan-mail into an envelope and writes down the address of the record company. He'll deliver it tomorrow once he leaves school.

Kankri falls asleep, with the childlike hope of winning the backstage pass.

Kankri woke up and the morning routine was similar to yesterday's. Shower, breakfast, cringe at karkat, music then school. After school ended, Kankri started setting up for his after school club he held.

Kankri sat patiently waiting for the members to show up, there wasn't many, but that wasn't surprising considering the groups theme, gay/straight alliance support group. The first person to show up was a girl who had been there from the start, her name was rose and she was in the same class as your brother. She first came because she was curious, then later realized she had developed a romantic interest on one of the girls from her grade.

Next was Tavros, a boy in a wheel chair who was a straight allay, he always supported what his friends did, truly a nice guy. Next was somebody who didn't frequently come, but he was in your grade and his name was Dirk, he hasn't specified what he is which is perfectly fine. After about five minutes of small talk, two more people came through the door.

"See, I told you you won't be the only one here" said a girl with a cat hat on. She was always a nice person, rarely had anything mean to say about anybody. The boy she pulled into the room behind her stood ridged, he looked strong, intimidating and tall compared to Nepeta. He had long black hair and black cracked glasses,
"I'm not sure I would be welcome here Nepeta." He said
"Don't be a silly billy, Kankri accepts everyone!" Nepeta says. Kankri stands up and walks towards the two,
"Hello, I'm Kankri, Nepeta who is your friend you brought along today?" Kankri asks.
"This is Equius, he just started yesterday, and he told me about his brother liking boys so I decided to introduce him to your club!" Nepeta said cheerfully.

After introducing Equius to the members who were currently there, Nepeta and Equius sat down and started chatting to each other.

When Kankri offered them drinks, Equius wanted a glass of milk and Nepeta wanted a cup of camomile tea. Those two sure were an odd pairing, but Kankri could see that they would eventually bond an inseparable friendship. When the hour was finished everybody left and Kankri tidied up the plastic cups and paper plates. Once he left the room, Kankri made eye contact with one of the seniors, a mean boy who had lost his tooth in a fight with one of Karkat's friends a few weeks ago. Caliborn was his name; and he was known as the school bully, yet he never got in trouble because his parents donated a lot of money towards the school.

"Hey there faggot" Caliborn sneered at Kankri. Kankri turned away and walked away, but Caliborn caught up and started walking next to him.
"Hey, scum sucker, look at me when I talk to you." He said
"I don't want to talk to you Caliborn." Kankri says
"Why you gotta be so rude friend"
"I don't appreciate the way you degrade others for your personal benefit. I'm also not your friend"
"Well you could be if you maned up, stopped that fag praising club and were able to take a couple of punches, you and me could be best buds"
"..." Kankri remained silent and kept on walking
"Well I guess I could get behind the idea of a couple bitches being up and friendly with each other, the more the better."
"Don't talk about women in such a degrading manner"
"I knew it, cock sucking Kankri gets off at the idea of a couple of bitches making love, the lack of dicks, the mass of boobs. And then just shoving us right in the middle, what do ya' say?"
"I say no. Caliborn, please don't include me on your sick fantasies"
"What are you going to do about it you..." Caliborn was cut off by a female voice from down the hall,
"Just talking to my friend Kankat here, isn't that right?" Caliborn says. Claiborn subtly pulls a knife out his back pocket for Kankri to see. Kankri sees it and knows the threat. Kankri nods his head in agreement. Caliborn's sister, Calliope, looks unconvinced for a second but shakes her head.
"Dads looking for us, you gotta come now." Calliope says
"I'll be there in a moment" Caliborn says and calliope leaves.

"Next time." Caliborn whispers in kankri's ear before running to catch up with his sister. Once Caliborn turned the corner, Kankri let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Silence filled the halls and the lights went off. Kankri grabbed his bag from his locker and left the building.

The walk home seemed longer than it should be, more tiering. Kankri's mind kept wandering; what would of happened if Calliope hadn't shown up sooner? Was Caliborn waiting outside the classroom just to annoy Kankri? Had Caliborn harassed anybody else who had left the club earlier? Kankri's foot got caught in a crack in the pavement, causing Kankri to fall over. Instinct told Kankri to stick his hands out, but that didn't save the his hands from getting grazed on the sidewalk. Kankri continued walking and a thunder clap echoed from above, it started raining seconds later. Kankri sighed and pulled his hood up. Today had been a bad day, and all Kankri wanted to do was curl up in his bed and sleep till dawn.

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