The show

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Cronus stood onstage and smiled at the audience. He wore a white t-shirt with a leather jacket hanging at his elbows. He closes his eyes and nods his head in time with the music as he strums his guitar. Kankri felt his heart racing; this is Cronus, the super celebrity was now singing to him and hundreds of others. Cronus was only standing a few feet away and from Kankri and was going to be there for the rest of the night.
Cronus starts singing his song and the fans scream at the sound of his voice.

"It's like being stuck it mud
With no way out
It's being the last one in line
For something that's sold out
When you start to worry, when you start to sweat
You better believe the world will attack you the first chance they get."

It's even more melodic in person, the producers must of edited his vocals for CD. This is the first time Kankri has heard Cronus sing live; he felt alive as well. There was a certain passion, a certain energy, a certain love, in Cronus's voice that seemed to radiate throughout the whole arena.

"I tried to fight my way through darkness
And you were my light
I sing a song from my heart
I hope it reaches you tonight

Because I still need to find you
I still need to meet you
You still need to hold my hand
You need to show me my way...
But for now...
I hope this song reaches you, tonight."

When the song finishes a crew member takes Cronus' guitar and Cronus stuck both his arms in the air in an unmoving wave. He looked across the whole arena as the fans screamed.

"Thank you so much for being here today." He said and the fans screams even louder somehow. Cronus brung his finger to his lips,

"I want you guys all to be quiet for a second, ok?"
The fans quieted down and one girl screamed from the crowd at this opportunity,

A couple cheers and Cronus giggled and rubbed his hand around the back of his neck,
"And I love you, whoever you are." He said and the audience erupted in cheers again.

"But seriously," he chuckled "can we all try to be quiet for a moment."
The fans stopped there screams and waited silently, there were still murmurs from others, but other than that: silence.

"Now close your eyes." Cronus said.
Kankri closed his eyes.
"Do you hear that? That's all the excitement in the air, it's probably filled with a lot of hopes and dreams to." Kankri opened his eyes and saw that Cronus had his eyes closed on stage.

"Forget your troubles exist, forget them all tonight because tonight you are here, and I'll take care of you. So just smile and have fun!" Cronus opened his eyes and raised his arms and the cheers resumed.
"This next song is one of my favourites" he said and the music started and the fans cheered for the song.

There was a row of four songs before Cronus spoke again,
"You dolls out there are all so amazing and beautiful singers. It's no lie that my favourite movies is grease, I borrow my style from the main character! What I wouldn't give to be a singer from the 50s, but then again I wouldn't of met all of you. Anyway, this song is way overdue, so here you guys go. It's grease lightning!"

The music for grease lightening starts up. Cronus spins around and his back is to the audience. He whips up his leather jacket up and his purple Aquarius sign is printed boldly on the back.

"It's systematic," Cronus shoots one arm out to the left

"It's automatic," Cronus shoots his other hand to the right

"It hydrometric," Cronus runs his hand through his hair and spins around

"It must be grease lightning!"

Cronus danced along to the song, with some mildly sexual gestures throughout the dancing. Halfway through the song Cronus took of his jacket and threw it to the crowd. The girls screamed and kankri couldn't see what happened afterwards. Cronus finished the song and the fans cheered. He looked out of breath but was smiling,
"So any requests for a next song?" Cronus grinned at the crowd wiping away his sweat with a towel. There was shouting, too much to single anything out, but some words were louder than others.

"I'm hearing 'missing you' over here," Cronus said and pointed to the left "and 'flowerbeds' over there, also hearing a couple 'daydream's" Kankri shouted out 'forgetting you' which got lost in the crowd.

Cronus held up his hand in order to silence everybody,
"how about you all shout at once and whatever I hear I'll sing. On the count of three. One. Two. Three."

Everybody shouted at once and Cronus talked again. "I think we have a winner! Starlight it is you guys." The piano started up and Cronus started singing

"Oh look, at how I'm missing you
I missing the smile and all the things you do
Just look, at all the things I knew
Not that much because I forgot about you.

But I remember the night
When we were look at starlight
You said there's just so little time
In our lives we have to find
What's missing from our hearts
and what is tearing us apart

I wish, I could of figured it all out
Being trapped inside my head makes me want to shout
I know, that we are all trying hard
Trying to be the best, until the finally card.

But I remember the night
When we were look at starlight
You said there's just so little time
In our lives we have to find
What's missing from our hearts
and what is tearing us apart

I turned a blind eye to the sky
Trying to hide how much I cry
I feel a desperation
And some hesitation
To try...
Try and be me

And I remember the night
When we were looking at starlight
You said there's just so little time
In our lives we have to find
What's missing from our hearts
and what is tearing up apart

And I replied, why don't you smile
You haven't tried it in a while
Maybe you'll feel better
I'll be in my own forever
Waiting for, my demise."

The crowd screamed at the end of the song again and Cronus smiled a goofy smile.

"Thanks you guys so much, I don't know if you know this but I have went through a couple rough patches in my life, and I know there is more to come. Also you guys have your own struggles, whether it's school or family, just know that right here and right now we are gonna be one big happy family who will love you no matter what. Now let's get something with more speed and I want to see you guys touch the roof ok!"

Cronus sang a few more songs before saying good bye, he smiled and waved before going off stage and leaving the fans to disperse.

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