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Weeks passed.
Rufioh asked Horuss on a date. Rose decided to tell her crush how she felt. Calliborn skipped the last few weeks of school. Damara is given a raise and she is less annoyed to see Rufioh now. Horuss and Rufioh go on a secret date to an abandoned building site. Nepeta and Equius become best friends. Karkat gets in more fights. Finals come and Kankri gets good marks as always. And it's finally time for Cronus' concert.

It's the Friday before the concert and Kankri has set up all the stuff he needs for the next day. Clothes that include a Cronus fan shirt and jeans, his ticket and backstage ticket which he will trade at the door for a wristband and pass. Money for food, and a bottle of water. Kankri couldn't think of much else he would need, maybe a pen and paper for an autograph?

In the morning Kankri was so excited that he was almost bouncing. Every time Karkat saw Kankri, he rolled his eyes and mouthed 'lame' or 'idiot'. After Kankri finished his breakfast, he took the bus into the city and it was about midday when Kankri entered the arena.

Kankri had the pass around his neck and was smiling. He saw a few others there, some crew working on final parts of the stage, and other backstage pass holders. There were signs placed to tell the pass holders where backstage was. Kankri followed the signs until he was at the entrance where a security guard stood. Nerves began to flood Kankri because only now had he noticed he was the only male fan he'd seen so far. Deep breath, let it out. Kankri walked up to the security and showed him his pass, the guard looked weirdly at Kankri but let him past.

Backstage there was only girls, some with their friends, others looked like crazy stalkers. There was a lineup to see Cronus in a sectioned off and covered area. Kankri went and stood in line, every second his nerves grew larger and larger, and by the time Kankri was next, he was a nervous wreck. The guard let Kankri in and Kankri took a breath. Deep breath in, let it out.

"H-hi" Kankri said
"Hello" Cronus said
"I'm a big fan" Kankri said, stupid Kankri he thought, why couldn't he think of anything intellectual to say
"I know, or else you wouldn't be back here" Cronus said, he looked bored
"So how are you?" Kankri asked, he should of planned out what he wanted to say before he went in, darn it.
"I'm doing fine, yourself?"
"I-I'm good, pretty nervous to be honest"
"Why are you nervous? Aren't you supposed to be some sort of news reporter asking me 'how I love performing?'" Cronus said sarcastically
"Uh, no, I'm just a fan." Kankri said
"Hmm, well I'm glad you like my music, it's not often I see a boy." Cronus says
"Well no, your fan base and targeted audience is teenage girls so a male fan is pretty rare" Kankri says, this is going better now
"Are you saying your one of a kind?" Cronus says.
"No, not at all, I was just making the point that-"
"Relax," Cronus cut Kankri off "I'm just messing with you" Cronus laughed a little and Kankri forced a smile.
"But I don't get many male fans, especially not ones with backstage passes, and especially none as cute as you." Cronus says and looks bored when he says cute, to try and make it a no-homo compliment. This time Kankri laughs
"Well your voice is pretty amazing, helped me through a couple of rough times every now and then, you know?" Kankri said and Cronus looked carefully at Kankri for s moment,
"After my show is done meet me backstage," Cronus hands kankri a new pass "this'll get you backstage and then I'll take you to the aftershow party" Kankri stares down at the pass in disbelief
"Really?" He says shocked
"Yes really, your a pretty cool cat you know." Cronus says. Security pushes Kankri out a few moments later and as he looks back Cronus gives him a small wink as he leaves the area.

You just talked to Cronus, you just talked to the Cronus, Cronus just invited you to his after show party. Kankri thinks in disbelief. Kankri walks around the backstage area to find a table of snacks people were eating from. Kankri also went to the table and got a plain bagel. Kankri found a quieter area to sit and eat and that he did.

After finishing the beagle, he wiped the crumbs from his mouth and smiles at the new pass around his neck. Kankri stood up, stretched and walked around a bit more.

There was a group gathering which Kankri decided to see what all the fuss was about. After a couple of minutes Cronus came out from behind a curtain and addressed the small crowd,
"I would like to thank everybody here for showing up backstage and here today to see me perform." His eyes scan the crowd until the fall on Kankri a bit further back. "I'm going to make this show the best I can, and all because of you guys." He says never breaking eye contact with you, it feels intimidating, but his purple contacts make it that way, underneath is probably a relaxing blue eyes, or comforting brown eyes.

Cronus waves to the small crowd before walking off to the dressing room. Everybody slowly leaves the backstage area and so does Kankri.

Kankri gets a piece of pizza from a concession and finds a spot to eat it peacefully. The pizza isn't that well made, but the aroma coming from it and the other concession stands made it taste better somehow. After finishing the crust, Kankri wiped up any grease that may be on his face before walking to the floor of the arena, and looking at the slowly growing crowd.

Kankri joined the crowd and slowly pushed his way forward by slipping into empty spaces that appeared. By the time Cronus was about to perform, Kankri had managed to get almost to the front of the crowd. It was crowded, but not to crowded to feel the need to run for air, just enough breathing space.

In his time there Kankri had only encountered 1 other male there his age. He had looked annoyed though; probably dragged here by a younger sister or a girlfriend perhaps.

The lights darkened, the area went black and thousands of fans scream excitedly. A large shadow appears behind a curtain holding a guitar. The music starts, the fans scream, and the figure plays his guitar with the music. The curtain falls, the fans cheer and scream at who is standing behind the curtain,
"Are you ready for this!"

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