Untitled Part 8

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Busy, that's how i describe the environment. The happiness that i lived with when i was younger slowly fades to my sights. The playground that i used to play with my friends turns into a building where the adults are now pushing themselves to find their happiness and my home, turns to a deserted place. When i come home, i feel that i'm just a wind passing by because of how they notice me, they just feel and then go back to what they're doing. I'm scared to making another step inside the house. Every step makes my heart weak, seeing my mother being drunk in the table, my father that's always in his job just to pay his unending debt. just realizing that the real world is harsh, it makes me nausea. I always try to stop my mother from drinking but she wouldn't listen to me. Why do i still go to this place that i call my home?

I decided to go outside for a walk. I see kids that smiling like the happiest person in the world, make me want too smile too, but i glanced to the kid's backs. i saw a couple whose arguing. i couldn't pick up what they were saying but it looks like the man was on fault. As i head to an open area, people there where looking puzzled. They are asking each other if they found a flower. That flower is usually blooms here, but for some reasons, they don't. I want to help but i thought that it would be hard to find the flower because the were all on the field. From the spot where i'm currently standing, the open field is full of people. I guess that that flower is pretty rare because of the number of people want to find or rather have it.

"They're so stupid." said by a girl beside me.
"If they really want to find it, they should give space so that there's a chance to see it."

I just stand and thought to myself "If they want it, they won't give space for others and just be the first one to obtain it."

"Hey, what would you do in their case?" Asks the girl to me.

"Probably give some space for them." I said softly.

"Too bad they won't listen to me"


"Because i know where a  flower is  growing."

"I think it's a good thing that they didn't listen to you, they might kill each other just for a flower."

"But isn't it just a flower?"

"Not really. You see, there is a flower that brings happiness to them, to us. It's been years since when it sprout normally in this field."

"Oh, i see. Want to see it?"

"i'm good, thanks."

"Aww, you're no fun."


"Whatever, i'm still taking you there!" She grabbed my hand and started running to the forest.

She still keeps on running while i am running out of breathe, we are far from my town so she let go off me, i rest for a bit to catch my breathe then i raised my head to see my environment and she was out off my sight. It was too far from the town to go back so i have to continue finding that flower. While i was walking deep to the forest, i saw some wild animals. What would i expect? i saw some butterflies,moths,birds,ant, even a person who is scavenging for food by the looks of it. He looked dangerous so i didn't bother asking him if he knew where to find that flower.

I'm was so exhausted and i don't know the way to town, so i still walking deep in the forest hoping i would find that girl again. Luckily she found me. She was on the tree branch looking for me, or maybe looking for the flower.

"Hey, you're so slow. Can you be a bit faster?"

"Can you be a bit slower?" i ran near her to make sure i wouldn't get lost.

"I'm tired, are we there yet?"

"Yeah"  She said as she was running away.

"Hey, wait!" I run to her.

As i follow her to some spacious part of the forest, ray of lights blinded me. I don;t think i'm in heaven but i think i'm in a paradise. Even though we are surrounded by trees, unlike the others, this part of the forest felt warm, but not so warm. i felt a breeze of wind too that is not like from the town, it felt natural, a breeze that can make me smile. As i look to the ground, I saw flowers, a lot of them. They all the same except for the one in the middle, The middle one stands out among all of them. I gently caress a flower that is beside my foot, as i touch its petals, It reminded me of the good old days when i was a kid. Going back home to see your parents, playing with your friends, i miss them.

"Liking what you see?"

"Yeah. Thanks for bringing me here, i owe you, i guess"

"Do you want to show them to the other townspeople?"

"Nah, if i bring them here, they might ruin this beautiful scenery. If i brought some there, the flower might wilt."

"So, what will you do to the flowers?"

"'Do?' I won't do a thing."

"Ahh... So, what's your purpose for coming here?"

"Nothing, you brought me here remember?" I look around to remember the place and started walking away.

"Why not staying here?"

That made me stop walking and started thinking.'Yeah why won't i stay here, instead of going back to the town, why won't i stay here? I feel safe here. I feel like i won't get hurt.'. These thoughts coming to me at once, i can't even get to answer properly what my mind is asking.

"Sorry, i can't."


"Because that's where my family is. I can happy too with my family, my friends, and the townspeople. I can be happy there."

"But what if i tell you that this place... Is the only thing that can make you happy,no, everyone happy? will you still pick them?"

"You know, even though there is something that can make us change, does'n't mean we have to change. They're just there to try our Emotion, Moral, Capability. Sometimes they're are just there, for no reason. In short, i won't stay here, it's not something that i want. I just want to make everything back to normal. Even though we are not happy as if we are here, still we back to normal. Sorry."

"Your lost."

I proceed to travel to the dark forest, it took us until sunset to get there but i think it was worth it. My decision made me happy. I thought that i was growing up to be a mature man but i think im just making my ego high. i still keep on walking and then i was back at the flowers.I felt strange because that girl is looking to me, like she knows where i was before i was here. I go back again to the forest and then again, i'm back to the flowers. How many times i try but still, i ended up winding in the same place.

"You can't escape happiness."

I felt dizzy,no, exhausted. Then suddenly i fainted.

I woke up. as a flower.

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