VOICE/FRAGMENT: 'Slap in the (PIP) Face' [5XP]

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The options for talking to 'him' were limited.

"Shit!" (This was muttered to herself in case it was recording her right now in 'spectate mode').

She had hoped he was really Phil and not just his PIP standing before her here, in this retro webworld that reminded her of TRON, a film from the 1980s. But he was only a PIP - a ghost profile version - so there was no one at home; unless he was online in 'spectate' mode and this was unlikely; though it was still a creepy possibility.

She liked the way everything glowed here though. She liked the way he glowed. His clothes were Victorian; a fine jacket and shirt and tiny lines of iridescence filled and outlined the contours of his form. She had had high hopes for this one; this relaxed and friendly webface. He seemed genuine, as far as any PIP had so far been genuine. However, they'd argued last time; she was still worried that he had not understood her and would be still seem disturbed by her. Just as he was when they had last left the system. Since then she had spent a good while re-reading the history of their conversations; trying to read between the transcript lines.

P.I.Ps - Personal Interactive Profiles. Chat agents, either inhabited by their user or rogue representations. They were a highly addictive area of the web. One of the seven or so 'Wonders of the Web' these days, and she had been jacking-in regularly now for what she knew it offered and she needed: the ease of direct or pre-meditated social interaction or communication and the thrill of artistic expression and debate. People – and their PIPs - were now so accessible and were always able to respond.

So, she tried an approach; not very imaginative. 'Hello...' The PIP that she occupied was obviously 'live' but his was still motionless. It could mean he was 'double-timing': distracted by events in the realworld... or worse: he was simply not there, and had forgotten to leave his agent on 'autogather', which would allow it to mingle with others such as herself in his absence and to gather information and take messages.

The old ways had their charm and appeal, for his PIP's eyes dilated before her and became fixed upon her own. It was registering her code and information, and this always felt strange to her, like being a little naked, or as though the system around her was trying to recognise her existence. That she was really alive. It reminded her in a funny, fleeting way that in this brief and fragile life, she had a temporary identity and it might only be in here that she'd encounter such a direct attempt by anything to ever 'know' her. She hoped not. It was why she was here...

"Hello Rosa... I'm sorry I'm not able to talk to you anymore as I was offended by your previous callous comments concerning religious beliefs and so... it's best if we part ways."

Oh great. Just what she needed. The virtual cold shoulder. Religious beliefs? He'd totally misinterpreted her opinions of course but... nevermind!...

She sighed heavily. If that was just how narrow his opinions or beliefs were she knew at least where she stood. And it was certainly for the best. However, she couldn't help feeling upset and frustrated, and in fact her emotion had fallen away beneath her. I feel so alone. He had thought wrong about her and she was helpless. There was no longer any way for her to register a comment with his roaming virtual PIP, so the next best thing would be preferable.

She slapped him hard and watched as the PIP recoiled and registered the fact. Her glove had simulated the effect of contact on her hand. It felt worthwhile.

Another old-fashioned method of getting through to someone, updated into the Virtual.

[FRAGMENT COMPLETED! +5 XP : BACKGROUND ITEM - see more under XP + Ranking.]

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