We'll Protect You

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Robin. The boy wonder. Half of the Dynamic Duo. Partner of The Dark Night. Thats mostly what the team knows him as.

They don't think of him as the youngest. The strongest. The most experienced.

Though this changed once they seen. Once they knew.

The team sat around the Mountain, doing what ever they could to entertain themselves as they waited for Batman to give them a mission. Wally eating, Kaldar reading, Megan cooking, Connor watching static and Artemis sharpening arrows. All in their own little world.

That is until they heard the zeta-tube announce Batman and Robin's arrival. Immediately they dropped everything they were doing.

"Come with me," Batman huffed. Following, they made their way to the mission room. "Two-Face has left Gotham and has been sighted in Starling City. As Green Arrow is on an out of world mission. You are to find him and report back to me. This is a COVERT mission. Do you understand." Batman stated.

He was met with chorus of 'yes sirs'. The team made there way to the bioship and were off.

~Le Skip as im to lazy and it'd be boring to write/read~

Finally they found Two-Face. He was with Poison Ivy. The team had different ideas on how to approach the situation. And after much bickering, they ended up getting caught and were fighting. They never stay covert.

Aqualad, Miss Martian, Artemis, Super Boy and Kid Flash were being held up by Poison Ivy and her plants. That left Robin with Two-Face.

Kick. Punch. Dodge. Flip. The battle went on. No one gaining an upper hand nor being defeated.

After what felt like hours, Robin took his eye off of his opponent for 3 seconds to see his teammates defeat Poison Ivy. 3 seconds was all it took for the curved, pointed and deadly object to be brought out. 3 seconds was all it took for the team to see their little bird fall to the ground and see Two-Face holding a bloody, crimson colored knife.

And 1 second was all it took for the team to send him gone in a body cast. They rushed Robin to the ship. "Come on Rob. Stay with us please." Wally cried to his brother.

The fly back was silent as they race back to the Mountain. Terrified for their teammate. No their brother.

Finally reaching the base, they hurried him inside. The squeaking of shoes and jagged breathing of Robin was all thay could be heard.

Reaching the med bay they handed him over to their mentors, who they previously called to tell of Robin's condition.

Pushed out of the room all they could do was wait.

~Antother Le Time Skip~

Finally, he was stable and they were allowed to see him. Walking in the room, they looked to the boy they grew to love as family. Horrified and angered expressions filled their faces. Scars of all sizes littered Robins body. Who would do this to such a young child!?

From that point on, they truly seen Robin. He was a child. The youngest of the team, but also the strongest member of the team. The most experienced of the team. Their little brother.

They shared a look of understanding as their eyes fell on the sleeping teen. And one sentence was said that they all promised to keep. "We'll protect you Robin. No matter what it takes."

Hello weirdos,
Sorry if it's crappy. Im writing this on my phone at 2 in the morning....but if you like it please comment and vote. Have a Super Sunday? Anyway thanks for reading and see ya soon:-D

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