Feeling Like an Actor In Dextor

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Tall laid beside Claire, his back turned to her and his snors filling the surrounding area. Claire got up carefully and dressed in her jeans and shirt. She went to the office where the tack for the horses is stored and grabbed her horse Sundance, well the horse she had been using anyway. She tacked Sundance in the dark and quietly hurried to the small pond Tall had shown her earlier in the month.

Claire made it there with simple easy thanks to her trusty horse. Once there she unsaddled her horse allowing for him to graze with comfort and easy. Claire laid on the soft and lush grass, looking at the beautiful night sky. She thought about Tall and Andrew. What would she do? How could she prove Andrew had done these things to her and Tall? With the way the police were going at things, she would never win. She thought- maybe she should take things into her own hands. After all she knows all the things a perfect murder would have.

She shook her head. No. She was not about to low herself to Andrews standards. Not now or ever, but that leads her back to the start. How would she prove Tall and her's statements?

She heard a small pebble move and jerked her head to look at Sundance. He seemed relaxed enough. Clair sighs. "It's time to get back, boy. Wouldnt want Tall to worry."

Something sharp hit her neck. She reached up and felt a long dart. She began screaming as the medicine slowly washes over her senses.

She lays on the ground, her sight fading in and out with a face coming closer with each passing fade.

"No! No! Andrew, no!"

"Shut up, Bitch. I wont have my way with you here."


When She woke the warm sun hit her face. The suns rays were poking threw the holes of the little run down home. where Andrew had taken her. She looked around fiding her clothes. She realized she was naked but she couldn't think about Andrews evil doings now. She had to leave. She had people who love her and she can't let them down now. Knowing Andrew would get upset if she put much clothing on she settled for her t shirt and underwear. Once they were on she quietly snuck around the little house to see if Adam or anyone else remained. In the small bedroom she heard a snore. Carefully she poked her head out and looked into the small bedroom once more. The source of the snore was none other then...

Andrew. Adam was gone but he remained on the bed asleep. She turned quietly and began looking for keys to the car that was outside. She looked around the kitchen. No keys. The family room. No keys. "Fuck!" She whispered to herself.

"Looking for these?" His voiced beamed in amusement.

"Andrew please. Let me go. I drop the charges. I'll leave the cops out of this please just let me go."

"Oh no,sweetheart. That ain't how it works."

"Please Andrew do not do this!"

"I like it when you beg."

Claire stood,watching as Andrew circled around her. She couldn't let him get behind her. She looked at the floor. "Can I use the bathroom?"

"Go ahead." He mumbled on his way to the kitchen. She was surprised to see that the electricity still worked in this run down place.

Claire quickly headed towards what used to be the bathroom. Closing the door she looks around the small room for an exit. A small window at the top of the wall. She could fit. She could escape.

"Hurry up, Claire." Andrew snapped just outside of the door. She sighed. Her escape will have to wait until he goes to sleep again.

Once she reached the table where Andrew was eating he shoved a plate of food. Small helpings of macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and corn. She observed his helping of food was twice the size of hers.

"Thanks bastard." She thought to herself.

While she ate she wondered if using the car would be an option. Would she be able to get to the keys? If she could would starting it be to loud? She thought. Her best bet would be to run on foot, but she has no idea where he had taken her. How far was she from society? She listen for sounds outside. She thought she heard.. horses? She listen again and heard a whinny.

'A hundred yards from the house. I'll need reins and a saddle, but chances are I won't get that lucky so I'll just have to make due with the reins, but if he has a car why are there horses here?'

"Answer me when I talk to you, Claire."

"I'm sorry. What is it you asked?"

"I have someone coming to get the car. Hurry up and get done before they come. Understand."




Some time later Andrews guest arrived. He met them just inside the kitchen as Claire was forced into the family room. Perfect. She could make reins while they talked. She studied the room and quickly found her key to escaping. She could actually get away. She held on to the little hope she still had.

Walking TallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora