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Claire woke up. The sun from the open teepee door touched her face The tent was extremely warm for being this early in the morning. She sat up, looking around the small tent. Tall laid next to her sleeping soundly. His chest was bare. The painted designs he wore so gracefully last night was nowhere to be found. She found her clothes folded neatly just inside the tent. She grabbed them and closed the door. She quickly changed and exited the tent. She sighed. The view was so beautiful from here. She could stare at it al day and never notice the time passing. Claire jumped at Talls gentle touch on her shoulder. "I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you."

"It's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to be awake."

"Walking Tall! We have heard news of the man!"

"What is the news that you bring?"

"He was in the hospital yesterday for a stab wound. We do not yet know if he is running free or not, but the police are investigating the cause of his stab wound and he has described you. They are looking for you."

Claire looked at Tall. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Have you learned the name of this man, Sakoa?"

"His name is Andrew Dennis."

Claire stiffened, trying to hold in the tears she had inside.

"Claire, what is troubling you?" Tall looked at her with a worried face. Claire looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"Andrew..I...he..." She said between sobs.

"Do you know this man?" Tall asked quickly.

She nodded. She knew Andrew quite well. Andrew was her boyfriend for six months. He was a great boyfriend until he wanted to take her virginity. Claire wouldn't allow it. She had told Andrew that she wanted to wait until she was married, but he just couldn't wait to take it from her. He grew aggressive and Claire wasn't going to stay for him to get aggressive enough for rape. She had herd that he was getting aggressive with women after she had left him, but she had hoped that he was never going to rape any women. It turns out he had. She did not know if she was the last, but she knew that she wasn't the first.

She suddenly grew angry. First here and now a man that was completely innocent on all accounts. She was done letting this man ruin what was rightfully hers.

"I've had enough of this man. He needs to pay for what he did and I am tired of standing by while he gets away with all of his bullshit."

Tall looked at Claire. His face was calm, understanding to what she was feeling. He cared for her and hated to see her in such a fuss. "Claire, anger is not the answer. He will not go unpunished for what he has done. His time as a free man is running."

"Will I ever see you again after this is over with, Tall?"

"That is your choice to make. I know my desire is, yes, but it only matters what yours are."

She hugged him. She needed him, far more then she dare say.

He stood for a moment. "Today we are hunting. Would be you be apposed to gathering with some of the women and cleaning and preparing for tonight's dinner?"

She shook her head. "Not at all."

She did not want him to go, but she could not keep him from doing his daily duties.

She walked around the camp. She stopped and talked with the ones that knew a fair amount of english. Before she knew it the sun was setting and Tall and the other men were returning.She didn't want to seem needy so she waited until he was at her side. He smiled at her.

"Youre back." She stated simply.

"I am. I was wondering if you would like to go horseback riding for an hour or so."

She smiled at him. "Id love to, Tall."

"Good. Come with me then." He grabbed her hand and lead her to the loose horses. She enjoyed the feel of his skin, of his hand in hers. She has found her soul mate, but is she his? She looked at him. She took in his strong jaw, his long black hair. She stopped at his, deep blue eyes. She was in love and she had it bad. He looked at her, his face worried.

"Claire are you alright?"

"Im fine, Tall."

"Are you sure?You look sad"

"Yes and Im not sad. Im happy."

"Claire whatever your hiding you can tell me."

"I care about you, Tall. In a short amount of time you and this place have made me feel...humbled. "

She was scared at what he might say. He pulled her to him and kissed her for the longest time. Her breath was gone when he pulled away. She was happy he felt the same. He was leaning against a horse, lookimg at her with desire.

"Come. I promised you a riding lesson." He winked at her. She wasnt sure what he meant by that but she took him up on it regardless. They had be talking back and forth fpr some time. She asked him about his day and how he hunted. He enjoyed her questions fore he hardly knew her thought process. He would die tp get a hint of information about her. Before he knew it they had reached their location. It was a small water fall that was surrounded by a small amount of tree amd grass. It was the healthiest grass Claire had ever seen in Texas. Even her own farm had dying grass. Tall helped her off her horse. He grapped her hand, looking around him.

"This is a sacred place to our people. Its grass is green, even in the winter. It always grows, no matter if theres a drout or rain." She smiled and pulled him to her. She held a hand on his cheek. She kissed him, her lips soft on his. He missed her lips. He kissed her harder, more passionately. Claire was frightened at first. She had never been kissed with so much love and desire. She loved it. She quickly pulled off his leather jacket. She moved her hands over his jean button.

Tall pushed her away gently.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked him quietly.

"No. I do not want to rush anything with you."

Claire felt as if she had done something wrong but knew that Tall wouldn't hurt her. He's only looking out for her best interests. She felt something in the out of her stomach. Was it love? Claire knew feelings were beginning to surface but what feelings were they?


Claire woke up screaming. Her body was covered in sweat and Tall's arms were wrapped around her.

"Claire. It's alright. I am here for you." He began singing in his first language. Slowly he felt her heart beat slow and her breath come back to normal. They heard patter of feet outside the tent and speaking Claire could not understand. Tall replied in the same tongue and soon all was quiet again. Claire put her head on Tall's bare chest and slowly drifted back into a deep sleep.

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