Maternal Instinct

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He was at coma.

He wasn't dead at all.

Stuart Pot almost lost his life.

The accident left this young man unconscious, waiting for his family and friends to see him again, now palsied. It was still him, but inactive.

He never realized why he was standing there, without knowing a car was going to kill him instantly. Luckily, he only paralyzed. He saved his life, but not his blue eye.

Yet his eye wasn't broken. It was a metaphor by some people by then.

His eye turned into a deep black, like charcoal into decomposition. He didn't know about his physical change, coma shut down his system until new notification.

How long would he be lying on a hospital bed, hoping he would wake up? No one wants to stay quiet, but he imagined many things in his deep sleep.

19 years old, his life could have been dropped out in no time, if it wasn't for the car's wheel.

A woman dressed formally and an adult man delayed outside the room where their son was being attended by a doctor. This wasn't a simple sickness; their son was in stuck in a limbo, delicate in health with not enough prospects to wake up. The grown up man pat his wife's back as she contained her gain to burst into tears.

She pressed her nose with a cafeteria napkin; it hurt a little, but not as much as the situation her son was going through. Anyone who knew and cared for Stuart suffered from a case of heartache.

---- start playing the media song----

The doctor came out from the door, his face showed preoccupation as well as a bit of joy.

-What happened to my Stuart? What news do you have? –the lady asked accompanied by sobs.

- Well, Stuart has many difficulties while breathing. We hope they regulate in a few days. Also, we tried to heal as quickly as we could his eye, but unfortunately it turned color black.

- What!? –she hesitated.

- Wait –the doctor posed his hand in front of her, trying to calm her down- we studied his eye. It looks like he can still see, but as he's in coma; we are not sure about it.

- What would happen to him? –she cleaned her face with another napkin.

- As the reception and the witnesses talked with the police station, they decided the causer should take care of your son.

The mother paused once again.

No. Bad idea. Neither I want that for my child. She won't let anyone touch her child, if she protected him whenever a classmate insulted Stuart; she dashed as fast a roadrunner to report the deed to the principal. Although she couldn't do that anymore, her son was a 19 years old who almost finished his studying track. She stopped crying to stand up and face the doctor. Sure she was turning into a guardian monster (don't blame me, I suck at similes).

- Who caused this!? Who will take care of my Stuart!? Tell me! –she shook the doctor without violent thoughts, just worried. Her husband took her apart, hugging her to calm down.

- Rachel, please –her husband said as he rubbed her hair. He was also concerned about losing his wife's control for the event. He hoped it was an accident by an innocent person, not by a rude criminal who has cold feelings. Oops, sorry!

- Calm down Mrs. Pot, we'll call the police station so they can bring him here.

- I don't want to meet him! He harmed my son! –man, I don't want her to drive crazy.

- Rachel! Look at me! –her husband took her head and turned it into his eyes- Please... I know it can be hard, I'm also worried about Stuart, he's our angel, but you need to understand that it isn't right to treat the other in a mean way. Remember what we taught him long ago...

She lost her sight aside the hall, should be so it? None of us would be glad at someone who injured a loved one from us. She slowly turned her head to her husband, she sighed and nodded while closing her eyes.

- I will, David.


- I think that you were right, my love –David said in low voice as sitting next to the causer.

- Got any problem? –Murdoc asked, putting a toothpick in his mouth.

- No... -she opened her mouth about to say something when an officer arrived.

- Well, Mr. and Mrs. Pot, here's the taker of your son –he put his hand opened in front of Murdoc, not removing his sight from a paper.

David and Rachel rarely smiled. Nerves invaded their bodies. How would they react to this man? Or I mean, "criminal". They listened to all the requirements Murdoc needed to at least sustain Stuart during his coma. David and Rachel didn't show their tensions because of looking inappropriate in front of an authority, so they contained their frowned faces when they were alone.

- So, Mr. Niccals, are you sure you can do this? –the officer handed a pen so he would sign on a paper. He gave him a picture of kitties lying on a basket- Oops, my bad –he changed the paper to the real document.

Mr. and Mrs. Pot stared at each other for a while, they mentally agreed to let Murdoc take care of Stuart, as long as he didn't hit, slap or forget about him. He signed the blank space with a pointy but readable letter.

The officer took it away to give it to reception.

Rachel finally calmed down. Maybe Murdoc wasn't bad at all. He may hurt her son, but he may be regretted about it. David glanced at Murdoc, who spilled the toothpick, only shooting to a cockroach that passing by, leaving it half-dying. The worries came by once again.

Murdoc turned aside them, he smirked and stood up from his chair.

- So... Do you promise to keep our son safe during his coma? –sweat came out from her forehead, as a fake smile showed up.

- Yeah, sure. Don't worry about 'im, he'll be totally fine.

Rachel hugged her husband without quitting her sight from Murdoc.

- Did yew know scientists 'ave now discovered how women keep thei' secrets? –he said as him comforting the parents. They only looked slightly at him- they do so within groups of 40.

The same officer entranced the room calling Niccals outside. He walked as fast as he could to leave the young man's parents behind. At last, he turned his head to Mrs. Pot, who squinted her eyes at him, flashing an invisible bolt at him. She pointed with two fingers at her eyes, later at him.

Maternal instinct would watch him during a couple of months.


Hi guys! I know this chapter was shorter compared to the others, but I still hope you'll enjoy it! Thanks for more than 100 reads! I hope I can get a lot more in a distant future. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment below if you liked it. 

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