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Today's going to be an awful day. No, it's not my opinion, people from the time said in media like journalists or the TV news.

An adult regularly experiences days each time shorter, someone like me can still adore the time's duration. Ok, so today's sunshine elapsed as a lightning bolt. Some people had a strange sensitivity of a bad event happening sometime around the 24 hours of the day. Of course, everyone's in hurry or calming to distract themselves with an affair that won't affect them at all. Or so?

It was a nice Saturday, August for sure, outside was lonely and not so many public was paying attention to their surroundings, vexing about what they should do next.

But, what if someone didn't have any nice plans for the day? Most of you may be doing homework, hanging out with your family or at least laying on bed after a busy week.

The problem's that Murdoc and Cohen got a lot of free time -before sustaining the consequences- to do whatever they were thinking about... Drinking coffee.

- I'd prefer a Russian coffee*, please –Cohen "gently" said to the waitress.

- Excuse me, sir, but those drinks aren't available in the course of these hours. You can order coffee milk, ins-

- Hey –Murdoc interrupted what the old woman was saying- if you give us two of those... -he put his hand in his jacket's pockets, handling a couple of bills and coins. He slowly showed them to the waitress, who stared at them for a few moments, and later, disclaiming with her head.

- No, I'm sorry, sir. The only way to get them is to bring a special permission, indicating that you're responsible for the drink's results.

- Here is it –Cohen handed a small-sized card that was exactly the one the old woman was talking about.

-Oh... Alright –the waitress took the card, she looked at the piece of paper for a small number of seconds in silence- Ok. Coming right up.

As the waitress walked away, Murdoc turned his head to see his friend, who was smiling as if he was a winner.

- Then, how old a'e yew? –Murdoc asked confused.

- Not gonna tell you, mate –Cohen grinned, crossing his arms.

- Yew told me yew don't drink -Murdoc, reflecting about his friend, couldn't believe he did a minor lie besides... Can't tell it now.

- Heh. It was only for you to surprise about it –most of Cohen's school partners used to drink and smoke a lot since a young age, he, on the other hand, kept the promise to not overuse of those.

The old woman attained the table after a few minutes, with the beverages on her hands. She stared at the two guys; she wide opened her eyes as if saying she was warning them about their choice. She raised a finger pointing at both. Murdoc frowned his mouth, rejecting the woman's advice and turned his sight again to Cohen.

Bad thing's Cohen, being even younger than him, already had at least one permission inside his wallet.

Murdoc, as well feeling old, sensed about being belated in major needs for adulthood. He called him a "freshman" last time, for other purposes, Cohen seemed more prepared than Murdoc sometimes. Murdoc shook his head to throw away those thoughts.

Both enjoyed their brews for the evening, Cohen practiced one of his first times drinking alcohol, the taste was kind of revolting, but he would get used to it. As for Murdoc, he always knew the flavor from many years ago, once again, that yellowish (or in any other color) liquid pleased his long tongue.

Unluckily, they ordered twice, the servers accidentally poured an extra amount of the dangerous substance without noticing it (one of them was watching the Football game, trembling his hands as the next goal was accomplished. He screamed loudly and did what I said).

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