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Another two days passed, when I awoke feeling hazy and disoriented. But I didn’t say anything to Louis. He was trying his hardest, I couldn’t push him anymore.

Louis was still trying to figure out a way to catch one of the wild animals on this island with us. There was nothing quite big, mainly just small pheasants. He had sharpened sticks and ran around trying to spear them with it. It was quite amusing really. But also admirable that he was trying so hard. And although his efforts were greatly appreciated, they weren’t helping the deep hunger I felt.

As the day continued on, the emptiness in my stomach grew. But I tried my best to ignore it.

But when my vision became blurred, I knew that I had to tell him. I knew that it was serious. I tried to walk towards him, but my feet wouldn’t move forward. I felt as though I were glued to the ground. I opened my mouth to shout his name, but nothing came out. My mouth was dry and scratchy. My palms became sweaty, and my face felt cold. My eyes looked over to where Louis was standing with his back to me. My eyes traced over his back, as I tried to clear my image. I wanted to see him. I wanted to remember his face. If this was how I was going to die, I wanted him to be the last thing I saw.

I felt my knees buckle and my body land on the hard, sandy floor. The pain moved throughout my body and I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t form any words.

Louis must have heard me hit the floor, because in seconds I could see a blurry figure kneeling in front of me. I tried to concentrate on his words, but I couldn’t understand them. I just stared up at his clouded figure and hoped this wouldn’t be the last time I saw him.

I loved him.

It was sudden, it was fast. I had only known him for 11 days. But I loved him. I loved the thought of him. I loved the comfort he provided. The safety. I loved his playfulness. His kindness. His humor. His bravery. His ability to take away my fear. His laugh. His smile. His shaggy hair. His grey eyes. The wrinkles on his forehead when he concentrated really hard. His determination. I loved his ability to make me fall in love with him in 11 days. I loved that I loved him.

And as my body began to go numb, I looked up at the blurry figure and wished he knew that I loved him. I wished I could just say it, just so he’d know. As my eyes began to flutter close I heard the sound of his voice shouting unknown words, and then suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine.

And although he was just blowing air into my mouth, I wished he had wanted to kiss me. I wish had kissed me just because he wanted to.

And I was glad that his lips would be the last thing I felt. And that he would be the last person I ever saw. The last person I ever thought about. The last person I ever loved.

And I was content with leaving this world at that moment. But then I remembered.

I will survive for him.

Hey guys! Just want to say a few things. First off, this chapter is dedicated to the lovely smile9831, who made me actually want to write this chapter and gave me some much needed inspiration! This chapter was completely caused by you, and only you. After reading your comment, I was motivated to write this plot line and get it down for you to read. So thank you!

But anyways, here's the climax! After this maybe 4 or 3 more chapters? Maybe. We'll see. Definitely planning on finishing this before Christmas! Hopefully you guys will enjoy the ending! Love you lots! xoxo

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