Chapter 1

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You looked up at the blonde haired boy. His eyes were sparkling blue, looking deep into yours. He sat down beside you and took off his jacket and gently placed it on you. The warmth immediately flowed around your body.

"Hey love, you hungry?" He said with a strong Irish accent, smiling, opening the bag of McDonald's.

You shivered, not knowing what to say, but you were so hungry, you couldn't resist.

"Y-yes" You stuttered, staring at the ground.

He got out 2 boxes of fries and handed one to you, all you could do was glare at him. Wow he was amazing. He smelt so beautiful and his eyes were just... flawless, you smiled and took the box of fries.

You munched away quickly, starving. You hadn't eaten properly in about 2months, just the scrap people handed you that they didn't want anymore, and not having proper heat. This boy was so kind and helpful, just a shame that this wont last forever.

You and the Irish boy finished quickly and he helped you stand up. Your knees cracked loudly.

"May I ask what your name is honey?" He said staring at you, holding your hand.

"I-it's (Y/N)." You said, not making eye contact with him

"Lovely name! Mine's Niall" He said, lifting up your chin to make eye contact.

You never thought someone could be so kind to a homeless person like you, sitting on the streets needing food and shelter.

"Hey, listen. Want to take a shower in my flat and get some new clothes?" The Irish boy said, rubbing your shoulder.

"I suppose" You said, beginning to smile.

"That's it settled then, lets go!" He said, hopping in a cab with you following.

When you got there, you noticed how big it was. It was massive! You had never seen anything like it! You only ever lived in a little cottage, this was 3 x the size of it at least!

Niall directed you to the bathroom, with clothes on the toilet seat. You were a bit nevous because, he was still a stranger. You locked the door after him showing you how to work the shower and showing you where the towels were.

You quickly showered and got dressed again, walked out the bathroom to smell a lovely fragrance of pancakes.

"Mmmmm" You said, sniffing the air. Your nose guided yourself to the kitchen, where to massive stacks of pancakes where.

"Enjoy my love" Niall said, pulling out your chair.

You smiled and tucked in fast. He never seemed to stop looking at you, you blushed.

After you and Niall had finished eating again you sat down and spoke for hours and hours. He really was amazing, time went by so quickly you and Niall eventually nodded off to asleep on the sofa.

~The Next Morning~ 

Comment below if you want to know what happens next?! I really want to know if anyone likes my FanFictions.... :)

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