#TeenagePost 12

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Teenage post 12:

Visiting Yahoo answers instead of a doctor

There's a difference between talking back and defending myself. Thank you

You call me at 2AM and I wouldn't mind but if you call me at 7AM in the morning I will rip your inside outs

Our generation will make the most badass grandparents

The longest 5 seconds in everyone's life is waiting to press the "skip ad" button on YouTube

Me first day of school:

"I wonder who's in my classes"

*walks in*

"You have to be fucking kidding me..."

If a girl from Iceland and a boy from Cuba had a kid, Will the kid be an IceCube?

Unfollowers? *does cup song*

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Guy: "Did the bus come yet"

Me: "if the bus came would I be standing here?"

Slow Internet is more painful than a breakup

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