Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It turns out, Harry was just kidding. He drove us to a cafe and I paid for both of us; even after hearing Harry complain the whole time I was ordering food.

I just ignored him and paid, smiling at the employee. She blushed and gave me her number. I took it reluctantly, slipping into my pocket to give that effect that I was interested, but she knew I wasn't. EVERYONE in town knows about me being gay, but apparently people just don't get it. Or they don't take it seriously. I'm NOT playing hard to get! I'm just not into girls!

I grabbed the food I ordered and turned around, almost bumping into Harry. He was busy glaring at the employee who flirted with me.

"Harry? Let's go sit down and eat. Unless you wanna eat in your car or back at school outside?" I said, trying to get his attention.

"Do you know her?" Harry suddenly asked me, turning from the girl to me.

"Yeah, a bit. Her name is Fiona. I know just about everyone in town cuz I made it my goal when I was a kid. She knows I don't like girls, though." I replied, confused at his anger towards her.

"Then why'd she still flirt with you?" Harry continued to question me about her and I rolled my eyes, walking out of the cafe. I heard Harry follow behind me and unlocked the car. I opened the door and hopped in, giving Harry his food after he sat.

"What was that about? In there?" I asked him after taking a bite of the sandwich I bought. Harry reluctantly ate his too, but he looked quite disgusted. Why? He told me to get him that sandwich. He chose it... "Is there something wrong with your sandwich? Cuz I can go back and get you another one," I offered, about to step out of his car, but he pulled me back.

"No, it's fine. Stay seated, Liam." Harry said to me, grabbing my arm. I nodded and closed the door. "And about your previous question, I-...I was just curious about her; that's all," he replied, looking away from me and taking another bite from his sandwich. He wrinkled his nose as he slowly swallowed it; probably forcefully from the looks of it.

"You sure you don't want something else to eat? You don't look like you're enjoying that much. You want the other half of mine?" I asked again, offering him mine. He gave me a smile and chuckled to himself. "What?"

He smiled even wider and touched my nose, making me crinkle it. "You're too cute, Liam. It's one of the things I like about you so much. You care and worry about others a lot; even ME," he said.

I blinked at his compliment and blushed, looking away from him. I bit into my sandwich and muttered a "Thanks" after swallowing. "Why wouldn't I care about you?" I asked after a couple seconds.

"Because we don't know each other as much as I'D like to get to know YOU," he replied, leaning closer to me. My breath hitched and I almost choked after I took a bite of my sandwich.

I cleared my throat, looking away from him because I was embarassed of my reaction. Then I looked back to see him smiling at me, being even closer. I blinked and leaned back a bit. "Y- You want to get to know me? Why?" I asked, stuttering as he leaned closer. I gulped and he smirked.

"To be honest, Liam, you intrigue me. I've never wanted to get to know someone as much as I want to know you."

"W- why me?" I asked again, looking deep into his eyes and feeling like I was melting.

"You're fascinating. You're unique; unlike anyone else. Your personality is compelling in and of itself. But you're not bad looking either. In fact, you're attractive, handsome, beautiful, and however else I can describe you. I definitely see the appeal to you. THAT'S why I want to know you," he replied, moving closer until I leaned back against the door. I felt his breath hit my face, just inches from mine, making me shiver slightly.

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