Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Harry's POV*

I woke up feeling cold. I know I'm a vampire and shouldn't be able to feel cold, but I do. I opened my eyes and turned to Liam, who wasn't there beside me. Like he usually is. Hmm...Where is he?

I started panicking and thought Liam left me for good, when I saw a note in the night stand beside me. I read it and smiled, relaxing myself.

Dear Harold,

I quickly left to go to the hospital because Niall called me and said Zayn got hurt last night. Sorry I didn't get to tell you myself, but you were peacefully sleeping. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up just to tell you I had to go.

I'll be back later today. Don't worry about me.

PS: Please take care of Danny until I get back



I got up and quickly stretched. I grabbed a pair of clean boxers, a shirt and shorts to put on. Then I walked over to Danny's crib and smiled, seeing him yawning. I picked him up and rocked him gently, like Liam did expertly.

"Morning, Danny. Sorry your uncle Liam couldn't be the one to cradle you first. He just left for a bit, but will be back soon. Don't worry, cuz I'll take care of you until he comes back," I said to him as he opened his eyes.

"Let's go down so we can eat. Well, I'll give you milk and I'll be the one eating," I said, laughing at myself.

Danny just looked confused and gurgled at me. I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

Milo and Nyko were by the door, probably waiting for Liam to come back. They turned to me when I reached the bottom of the stairs and wagged their tails, but didn't get up to lick me. They must really miss Liam.

"Come on Milo and Nyko! Let's go eat breakfast. Your Daddy Liam will be back soon," I said to them and they followed me in the kitchen.

"Morning everyone!" I said happily as I walked in the kitchen. Everyone said "Good morning" and smiled at me holding Danny.

Well, Louis smirked at me and said, "How was last night, Haz? You 2 kept it low enough not to wake Danny over here. But we still heard you. Not ashamed to scar Danny's mind with inappropriate sounds?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a warm bottle of milk from Mum. I put it in Danny's mouth, who happily sucked it. "It was perfect and we weren't that loud. We can control ourselves, you know."

Everyone laughed and started eating with me. "Where's Liam anyways? I think I heard him leave earlier this morning," El asked.

"He went to the hospital because Zayn got hurt last night. He said he'll be back soon," I replied, eating breakfast with one hand and carrying Danny in the other.

"Oh. That sounds bad. I wonder what happened," Johannah said.

Louis snorted and said, "He probably just got hurt for being part of the Blood Hunters. You know they get hurt when they try to hunt us down. He's lucky he survived."

El slapped his arm and scolded him. "Lou! He's still Liam's friend even if he is part of that group."

"Well then he should stay away from that group like Liam. No wonder he got hurt," Louis retorted and pushed the food on his plate. "I'm not eating this. I need to hunt."

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