Chapter 7

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This is chapter 7 xx

It had Been a few days since Harry has spoke to them. Well actually since the girls got his number. They decided not to text or call him just incase he was making a decision on who was going to win! They really really wanted to go on tour with the boys.

It was Monday and the results were going to be told in school assembly today. It was a whole school assembly as many entered and if anyone got runners up or even won then it should be noticed.

It was Monday and 3 lessons and break had already been and now it was assembly before lunch. All the year 7's went in then the year 8's (Louisa and Jade's class) then the rest of the school and the teachers.

@teacher Pov

I let the classes enter before I was ready to speak. They all knew it was the day the results would be told. I got the piece if paper of the edge of the stage and started to talk. The assembly started to quiet down and was ready to listen.

"Right. As you know the results for the 1D thing is today and I have them right here with me."

The hall attend to gasp and talk amongst themselves. I stated to speak again.

"There were many entries as you would probably guess so. They are some reason world wide so there are so many people entering it. Now would you like to hear the results?" I asked. They all shouted 'yes' or 'yeh' or 'Omg yeh'. I took it as they wanted to.

"The runners up are Katherine Wedgwood, Isabelle Kareem, Shelley Mander who entered as a group have won 2 tickets each to see them in concert somewhere and a backstage pass to another concert. Well done girls. Round of applause please."

"Next we have another group of girls that have also won the same thing. These girls are Freya Hema, Charlie Tommie, Tilly Grain, Elite More. Well done to you girls, round of applause again"

"Oh what a surprise! We have winners at this school and we are the only school who have winners! The winners are in year8. (grade 8) Ok, the winners are..... Louisa and Jade!" "Well done you girls!" I chimed

"Anyone who has won or are runner ups can you please stay behind to collect your envelopes. Thank you." The school was dismissed and everyone else stayed.

"Katherine, Isabelle, Shelley, Freya, Charlie, Tilly and Elite here are your prizes - 2 tickets to a concert each and 2 backstage passes each to a different concert of your choice and 2 passes to meet them in person along with a gift bag for your arrival at each concert." I said handing them the envelopes. "you get the gift bag when you hand in the tickets at the ticket reception"

"Now, Jade and Louisa here are your envelopes for the tour for a year with 1D. Your parents already know, and they agreed. The boss of one direction will be here tomorrow to pick you up. So bring all your clothes you want and your usual stuff, and anything else you want to bring, remember to bring a few snacks to eat on the flight and the car journey. Well Done. Now of you go, all of you" I finished

Omg long chapter!!

You finally know who won! Yaya!!!

Choco Nutella Leigh xx

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