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Riley McCallaway's POV

I woke up refreshed and satisfied, I went to the bathroom cleansed my face and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I went downstairs and greeted my mom.

"Hey Mom, Good morning!" I said and hugged her

"Mornin' sweetie! looks like someone's in a good mood today" She greeted back

I smiled.

"Grab some toast, I already bought nutella" She said

"I'm good, I'm just going out for a walk, I'll be back later" I said

"Sure, take your time hon" She responded

I stepped outside the house and walk to the park..

I started reminiscing about the things that had happen this summer, This is definitely one that I wouldn't forget..

I let the wind run through my skin and closed my eyes. I still remember all the mistakes and wrong decisions I made. I am sooooo stupid but that is the past now..

Sometimes we make the wrong decisions, sometimes we let chances and oppurtunities pass by for sometimes the one who can see is the one who's blind..

yea sometimes..

We all make mistakes but thats what makes our life interesting without it life is just plain boring but the important thing is we learn from our mistakes, and thats what made us who we are now.

yeah I can be deep..

I heard someone walking behind me and a familiar scent blew with the wind, I felt someone wrapping his arms around my waist yea someone named Riley McDougalous

"Hey Riles, what are you doing walking around this early?" he asked

"I don't know.. I'm just reminiscing.. wait. what are you doing here?" I asked him back

"well I called at your house earlier, your mom answered the phone she said you took a walk outside and I figured you'll be out here" He answered

"oh.. I just like fresh air, they help me think.." I said

"Think about what?" He asked

"about how am I going to prepare because school is coming, how am I going to get rid of the glaring fangirls everywhere, about what happened this summer, about me, about Cody... about you.." I answered

"what about me?" He asked

"I'm not exactly sure.." I said

"don't lead me on.. to let me fall, Can't you see I'm all in and its just not like meee" He sang

I laughed

"Alright, I'll make you a deal. Let's play ball" I offered

"what do I get" He asked

"If you win I'll get to be your girl and if you lose you'll leave me alone" I said

"well thats kinda harsh." He stated

"do you want this or not?" I asked

"I really wanna win but I can't afford to lose you.." He said

"chicken.." I teased

"Alright. Game on" He answered

So me and Riley played one on one, As much as I really want him to win I gotta be fair..

I went back to my house and changed into my sport wear and headed to the court.

I see Riley wearing a black jersey and damn he looks hot its distracting me ughh focus Riley! Focus! and stop talking to yourself its weird!

Connor and Toby were also there, Connor was masagging Riley's back as if we're going to wrestle, Toby was puring water into Riley's mouth sheesh I feel like I'm going to be in a UFC fight lol

"what are you goons doing? we're just going to play basketball its not like we're going to wrestle or something"

and then they stopped.

"Let's play.." I said confidently

I saw Ri swallowed exaggeratedly

I grab the ball from the side and went to my position.

"okay I'm going to be your referee so Riles, gimme the ball" Connor said

"do you even know anything about basketball?" I asked

"do I know anything about basketball? *he chuckled* are you insulting me?" Connor said

I threw him the ball, he didn't catch it..

"I wasn't ready! and thats a foul!" Connor defended

"no its not you nimrod! just sit there and let me handle this" I said

"you know you can't do a jumpball if you threw the ball by yourself! See I know this!" Connor said

"alright fine" I responded

And so he threw the ball up and I got it Ha! I ran up towards the ring and Riley was running up to me and was trying to steal the ball he did and gave it a shot so the score's now 2-0 I usually get the first shot wow I've never seen Riley so motivated, Oh shit he just scored another shot dang I need to focus!

After 20 minutes..

We're now down to 25-26 he's actually on the lead dang! We only got 10 seconds left, Connor and Toby are now counting down. Riley has the ball and was about to shoot but I steal and took the shot..




The score is now 27-26.

I don't know if I should be happy or not..

"And I remain undefeatable" I said

"Congrats McCallaway, now you get what you want" He said lowly and started walking away.

"not exactly" I said the jump on to him and kissed him

He was shocked but he kissed back after a mili-second, he dropped his bags and hugged my waist while we continue to kiss..

"uhmm we're just going to go now.." Connor said

We didn't mind them and continue what we're doing, I ran my fingers through his wet hair and him feeling my curves..

I pulled away teasing him HA!

"So what are we?" Ri asked

"Human?" I joked

"Are you my girlfriend now?" He asked

"Duhhhh!" I answered

He laughed and carried me happily and then kissed me passionately and of course I kissed him back..

He put me down and smiled.

And from that moment I realized that Riley McDonough has always been there for me even when we were a child I'll kiss his booboo and he'll kiss mine up to now that we're actually kissing each other, I have always feel comfortable and protected when he's around, he is my best friend, my boyfriend and my soldier.

"I'll Be Your Soldier"

written by: Alyssa M.

Twitter: @BYEpolar69

A/N: Hey guys I just wanna say that I had fun writing this story and I hope you guys read my other stories as well. Thank you so much for supporting my story it truly means a lot :)

I'll Be Your Soldier- (a Before You Exit/ Riley McDonough Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now