Chapter 5: i :) can't :) do :) this :) anymore :)

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Riley McCallaway's POV

We went home and all Alyssa blabbed about is Riley, Riley and Riley ugghh..

"He's just so cute" she said

"yea yea you said that for like the 30th time tonight!" I complained

"wait are those two other guys his brothers?" she asked

"yepp and they're in a band" I said

"he's in a band!? thats even better! he's rich right? and now he seems even more cuter" she said

"so what if he's rich?" I asked

"then he can buy me stuff I want, oh my dear cousin, you need to learn more from me" she said

like learn how to be a bitch? no thanks

"hmm! anyway how come you know him?" she asked

"he's my best friend" I said

"really!? I never thought you guys would be alike.." she said

"you just don't know the true color of Riley McDonough" I said

"what do you mean? he's black?" she asked

"I'm not saying he's black, I meant you still don't know what he's really like." I said

I still can't believe I'm related to this girl..

"then what is he like?" she asked

"you'll find out eventually" I said

Riley's a heartbreaker and maybe thats what Alyssa needs. She needs to see the reality instead of just living in her fancy fairytale world, besides they're both heartbreakers thats what they both need, a taste of their own medicine.

-Later that night-

"what's taking him so long to call!? ugghh" Alyssa complained

After that statement her phone rang..

"OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH SOMEONE'S CALLING IS THIS HIS NUMBER!?" Alyssa asked excitedly jumping up and down and shoving her phone screen to my face..

"yep thats him" I said with a straight face

"okay okay how do I look?" she asked

"wtf he's just calling you" I said unfff she's so stupid

"then what if he wants to facetime me duhh" she said

"you look fine" I said to simply end the ridiculous argument..

"uhmm hello?" I heard Alyssa talking to her phone flirtaciously

"yes this is she, who is this?" She asked

"oh hey Riley! I forgot you were going to call!" she said


"no no, its not a bad time at all" she giggled

"do I believe in love at first sight? I dunno you tell me" she said her tone getting flirtier and flirtier err by the second

"oh you do? when you saw me? hmm really? you know, I think I like you too.." she said blushing


i :)

can't :)

take :)

this :)

anymore :)

asdfgjjlhgkl :)

someone :)

kill :)

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