Chapter 13: I'll be your Soldier

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-Next Day in LA-

Riley McCallaway's POV

Had a deep talk with Ri last night.. Now thats everything is clear there's no point of me lying and making mistakes all over again. If I let Cody hold on to us much longer both of us will just get hurt in the end besides its the last day of tour how are we going to see each other? He's going to stay here in LA while I'll be staying in Florida. Might as well just end this..

Oh there's Cody..

"Hey babe! I need to talk to you!" He said

"Me too" I said

"I'm really sorry about our little fight last night, I understand it now. I'm sorry babe" He said

"No, Cody I'm the one who should be sorry" I said

"No it should be me. I am so stupid ok, I'm sorry" He stated

"Listen, I've fallen out of love with you and I should have not said yes to you the first time.. I uhmm, I'm so sorry but its over.. I'm breaking up with you" I said

I saw tears run down his face..

"why? is there something wrong I did? please I'm sorry, whatever it is please forgive me.. I love you please Riley.." He pleaded

"No its not what you've done, its about what I've done. Cody you're a great guy truly you are but you deserve someone better than me" I said

"No.. please.." He cried

I started crying too..

"I can't take this anymore, please know that its my fault, its not yours. I love you but not as much as you love me. Bye"

"Its about Riley, isn't it?" He said holding my arm real tight stopping me from walking away

"No, don't blame him. This is my decision" I said and let go of his grip then walked away

I spend the whole day at the merch booth, Ben said that since its the last day of tour lots of fans will come and buy stuff and its probably best to avoid the awkward. My only problem now is Cody's fans asking me and stuff.

"Hey oh my gosh you're Riley McCallaway! You stole my boyfriend! but if you break his heart we will all break you" A fan said

I fake smiled

"so how's you and Cody?" another fan asked

"uhmm guys I'm here to sell merch not to be interviewed. Thanks" I said

Its probably best to be silent. I'll let Cody tell the public on what happened besides I'm getting real sick of people asking me and taking pictures. Not really my thing..

After the show there was an after party at a teenage club, I decided not to come and to avoid everything..

"You should really come! Come on!" Connor said

"I don't want to, Cody's there and I told you I just broke up with him, Its awkward!" I said

"Its a party! He'll probably be talking to girls and you should be mingling with guys too! Its part of moving on. C'mon let's have fun" He insisted

"No. Go ahead! just leave me here" I said

"Nope you're coming with us" He said and before I could respond he grabbed me and carried me like a baby and I'm litterally like a baby screaming and wearing spongebob jammies

He put me down on the car..

"this is basically kidnapping" I said

"well I've always wondered how would it feel like to be a criminal" Connor said

I'll Be Your Soldier- (a Before You Exit/ Riley McDonough Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now