Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The King closed his eyes for a moment as he sat in one of the large, comfortable chairs in the library, letting the afternoon rays warm his face. He had been looking out over the view of the Kingdom, wondering where his son would be now, what he was doing, whether he was happy.

'I've been a fool' He thought to himself. 'Of course he's happy.'

He sighed sadly and opened his eyes. All he had wanted was for William to be happy. He had thought, foolishly, that by trying to forge the relationship with Abey his son was simply setting himself up for more misery in the long run.

In fact, he held nothing against the girl, not even her status - she seemed a kind and sweet thing, and she made his son happy. All he had ever wanted.

He hoped Georgiana would make a good ruler. His wife was already making precautions for if William never returned, or was never found. In a few weeks time his young ward would be made Crown Princess of Angrokor, his heir and next in line to the throne.

Georgiana had almost exploded with joy when she heard the news. The Queen was relieved that at least the Kingdom wouldn't crumble beneath their feet with no ruler at the helm. The King just wanted William to come home.

He swallowed slowly and with difficulty as he forced back the tears threatening to fall down his face, which seemed to have aged in the few short weeks since they had gone missing. He doubted he would ever see his son again, and he could feel time slipping away from him.

"Such an old fool" he whispered out loud to himself, giving in to his tears and letting them roll down his cheeks. He doubted he would ever see his son again.

He looked back at the view of the Kingdom. He drank it in, he wouldn't be able to much longer, his thoughts ever more on what a foolish old man he was, and as ever, never leaving the thought of his only son, now lost forever.

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