viii. A New Code

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A/N: Star Chat will be staying on WP, not moving over to Tap! Love, -P

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Kenobi: Children?

Snips: Yes, Master Kenobi?

Skyguy: Who the hell do you think you're calling a child, old man?

Kenobi: I'm going to simply ignore that comment, young one.

Kenobi: I bring important news from the council.

Snips: Oooooh! What is it?

Skyguy: *smirking* Yes, Kenobs, what is it?

Kenobi: How dare you call me that. I've told you a million times not to call me Kenobs!

Snips: Girls, settle down.

Snips: Now, Kenobs, what's the scoop?

Skyguy: Man, I love having a padawan.

Kenobi: ...

Kenobi: I'm so glad you bring that up, Anakin.

Kenobi: The council has officially decided to amend the code.

Skyguy: What do you mean?

Kenobi: A Jedi shall not know anger, not hatred.

Snips: ...nor love?

Kenobi: That portion of the code has officially been dropped. Romantic attachments are officially unbanned and allowed - so long as it doesn't affect Jedi on the battlefield.

Snips: Are you serious? What made them change their mind?

Kenobi: Well, Ashoka, you would know first hand what it's like to be taken at young age.

Snips: I don't even remember it to be honest. It's always been a blur but things clear up with Master Plo taking me under his wing.

Kenobi: Well, the point is that young force-adept children are becoming more and more rare to find. The council sees that it's better to repopulate within our ranks as well as give families another try.

Skyguy: Another try?

Kenobi: Long ago, there wasn't a ban. It wasn't until one of our own lost his loved one. The young Jedi blamed the order for his beloved's death and turned to the dark side over it. Things have been strict since then but now, we're trying again in hopes to strengthen our numbers.

Skyguy: So essentially, you're telling me that Jedi can now seek out spouses and such in order to repopulate? The Council is doing this purely for numbers?

Kenobi: It would definitely appear this way.

Snips: Do you know what this means?

Skyguy: What, Snips?

Snips: Master Obi-Wan can finally court his lady friend on Mandalore.

Skyguy: HA

Kenobi: The Duchess is purely a friend...

Snips: ...for now. You know what else this means?

Skyguy: Hmm?

Snips: Skyguy can stop running off to his secret boyfriend now! He doesn't have to be a secret anymore, Master!

Kenobi: *chuckles*


Snips: Then who do you run off to every time we're taking a break at the Temple?

Skyguy: None of your business.

Kenobi: My money is on a certain senator...


Skyguy: Ahsoka Tano, you will address the Senator properly and respectfully.

Skyguy: To clear up your speculations... Okay so what? She comms me almost every time we get back from campaign.

Kenobi: Really now?

Skyguy: She's my best friend, Obi-Wan. Honestly, outside of the Order, she's also one of my only true friends.

Snips: *smirks* not for looooooong

Skyguy: Ahsoka, that's enough.

Skyguy: Most of the time, it's because she wants to hear about the war from someone who isn't going to sugarcoat it too much. There's been a few times though where I've had to get stuff off high shelves because gods, is Senator Amidala short... it doesn't matter though, we're just friends.

Kenobi: No need to be so defensive, Anakin. The code has been amended so even if things were to take a turn for romance, you wouldn't be reprimanded for it.

Skyguy: So when are you going to Mandalore to tell the Duchess of the rule change?

Kenobi: Why are you so set on the idea of Duchess Satine and I together?

Snips: Because we've seen how you get around her or when she's brought up.

Kenobi: What are you talking about?

Skyguy: Master, with all due respect, it's hard to ignore how you react around her. It's also to ignore how different you act around her - and this is coming from someone who has been glued to your side for the past decade.

Snips: Master Kenobi, it's okay to say that you like her. We're a family, are we not?

Kenobi: I suppose so... I can't say the idea of courting the Duchess is unappealing.

Skyguy: Go get your girl, Obi-Wan.

Kenobi: She's a woman, Anakin... and I just might.

Two Users Online...

Snips: Aweee, how cute <3

Skyguy: So, is there someone I should know about?

Snips: Huh?

Skyguy: Who's the dude?

Snips: What dude?

Skyguy: The one on your mind... a soldier?

Snips: Master Plo is here, gotta go!

Skyguy: Master Plo is off-world...

One User Online...

Skyguy: Oh, you're in big trouble now.

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