Character Alias

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Character / Chatroom Alias

Padme Amidala / Angel
Obi-Wan Kenobi / Kenobi
Satine Kryze / Krystal
Captain Rex / CRex
Anakin Skywalker / Skyguy
Ahsoka Tano / Snips


MSS / Lynn


New characters and their alias will be added if/when they are added to Star Chat! Hope you enjoy this new random book, though it's not truly a story! Fair warning, this book may contain infrequent swearing as well as mature themes.

Also, comment at the end of each chapter a topic and who you'd like to see discuss that topic. The first four threads have already been written but to keep this story going, I need feedback and guidance from y'all because it's your story too!

Have a good day/night wherever you are!

May the Force Be With You!

Love, -L

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