i. Introduction

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Chatroom Engaged, Six Users Online...

Skyguy: Uhhh... What am I doing on the holo?

Angel: What's going on? Who hacked into my cell?

Kenobi: Something's amiss here...

Snips: Masters, you're here! (:

CRex: I'm supposed to be using a training module, what is this?

Krystal: Do I really have to change cells again?

Skyguy: Okay, everyone stop.

Angel: Who made you the boss?

Skyguy: No one, Angel. I think it's best if we all go ahead and state our names for ID purposes. I'm Anakin Skywalker, you all?

Kenobi: If you couldn't tell, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Snips: General Ahsoka Tano, standing by.

CRex: Captain Rex of the 501st Order of Clone Troopers, at your service.

Krystal: Somehow, you all have reached Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandelore. Someone want to explain this whole...instant messaging group?

Skyguy: Once we know who the Angel is, perhaps we can all figure this out.

Angel: Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo. Shocked you didn't recognize the pet name...

Kenobi: Padawan, what is she talking about?

Skyguy: I don't know, Master.

Skyguy: Oh wait, yes I do.

Krystal: Well, do share.

Angel: My family teases me about being an Angel and my people called me the Angel Queen when I reigned on Naboo. Anakin knows about this because he was forced to protect me as a padawan.

CRex: Wait, how come the military doesn't get assignments to protect beautiful women from the separatists?

Skyguy: Watch it, Cap.

Snips: None of this matters; what DOES matter is that we all figure out what's going on and how we're all linked together by this chat. Anyone sign up?

Kenobi: I didn't.

Angel: No

Krystal: I haven't signed up for anything but a new phone recently.

Skyguy: Nada

CRex: Negative, General.

Snips: Alright, so no one chose to be here.

Skyguy: *imagine me rolling my eyes* Thanks Captain Obvious.

Angel: Anakin, be nice.

Skyguy: Yes, Milady.

Kenobi: Senator, how do you do that?

Angel: Pardon?

Kenobi: How do you make Anakin behave?

Skyguy: HEY!

Krystal: Obi, sometimes it takes a woman to do a man's job.


CRex: Waaaaay better than training.

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