iii. Sparks of an Old Flame

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Kenobi: Duchess, may I have a moment of your time?

Krystal: You never need to ask, Master Kenobi. What can I help you with?

Kenobi: Permission to speaking informally, your highness?

Krystal: Do you really need to ask, Obi.

Kenobi: I suppose not. I just... I wanted to see how you were doing; it's been a while since our paths crossed. I wanted to check on my Duchess (:

Krystal: Your Duchess? *smirk*

Kenobi: I mean... um... uh...

Krystal: Relax. I've missed my Jedi.

Kenobi: So how have you been, Satine?

Krystal: I've been alright. I had pneumonia not too long ago but other than that, things have been peaceful since you left. How's temple life?

Kenobi: Believe it or not, I'm starting to find this temple boring and claustrophobic.

Krystal: Do explain, my dear.

Kenobi: I haven't been shipped out for any kind of duty in almost a full moon. I love being on the council and spending time with my masters but lately, I've wanted nothing more than to fly away and hide like Anakin does.

Krystal: Anakin hides?

Kenobi: Not exactly; he leaves the Temple when we're planetside and goes to some place until we ship out again. He only does it at night though.

Krystal: I see.

Krystal: What if I extended you an invitation to come stay on Mandalore with me?

Kenobi: I'd have to put in for some time on leave but I've saved up enough days that I could come for a week at that most.

Krystal: How long did you have to be on duty to manage a week's vacation?

Kenobi: Only eight, long months with Anakin and his padawan on a cruiser.

Krystal: You poor thing... My door is always open.

Kenobi: Don't you think that the people would find it strange if you're letting a Jedi stay with you on unofficial, off the radar business?

Krystal: You're considered to be a friend of the Crown as well as a hero to Mandalorian children everywhere. Adults might be suspicious but it's not like we'll be out an about.

Kenobi: So you're gonna lock me up then?

Krystal: Well, if it means you'll stay with me...

Kenobi: Satine, don't go there. That's not a happy road for either one of us to go down.

Krystal: I'm sorry, Obi.

Kenobi: Do you think this chat is being monitored?

Krystal: I suppose not, seeing as I haven't heard any headlines about the Galaxy's favorite people being online together.

Kenobi: I honestly don't think that kind of info would be released to the public.

Krystal: Then relax. What were you going to say?

Kenobi: Speaking of that unhappy road, changes have been proposed for the Jedi Code. Do you remember it?

Krystal: Vaguely, remind me, dear?

Kenobi: There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

Kenobi: Do you recall the other part, one we don't say all the time?

Krystal: You mean the one that affects the extent of a Jedi's attachments?

Kenobi: (: that's the one, Satine.

Krystal: A Jedi shall not know anger, nor hatred, nor love. Obi-Wan, what's going on?

Kenobi: Master Yoda has said to Master Windu and myself about the decline in force sensitive beings across the galaxy.

Krystal: The Jedi are dying out?

Kenobi: Not necessarily.

Kenobi: Though most don't always agree with it, Jedi masters go out and retrieve force sensitive children at a young age. We take them in and train them to be a part of the next generation of Jedi.

Krystal: What's that got to do with the code?

Kenobi: That saying may be changed.

Kenobi: A Jedi shall not know anger. Nor hatred.

Krystal: ...nor love? Obi-Wan Kenobi, enough with the games. What are you saying?

Kenobi: There's a very real chance that the prohibition of romantic relationships may be lifted.

Krystal: Does that mean..?

Kenobi: If and when the change is official, I'll be one of the most eligible bachelors in the Galaxy.

Krystal: You're so lucky you're not already here.

Kenobi: Why?

Krystal: I would've back handed that smug look off your face.

Kenobi: I...

Kenobi: I am truly sorry, Satine.

Krystal: It's alright, I'll handle it when you get here.

Kenobi: Just how exactly are you going to 'handle it?'

Krystal: That my dear is classified.

Krystal: What else would you like to talk about?

Kenobi: I wish much more but Master Yoda is requesting my presence. I have to go.

Krystal: I'll be thinking of you, Obi. (:

Kenobi: And I, you, Satine. (:

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