Poem: Your Eyes are My World

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      *update* Dakota and I had a falling out, I screwed up but, I still dedicate this poem to him, because it was the first thing I ever said to him on his ThisCrush. I wish I could go back and stop myself from screwing up, but I guess not everyone deserves a second chance, especially me. But go check him out on Instagram @ justthatflowerboy , don't tell him I sent you, don't mention me at all. Don't say my name, or my account, don't do anything of that sorts. And if Dakota ever finds this, I'm sorry.

Written by me. To my internet friend Dakota. Stay strong and alive. (Turns out his eyes are brown cx )

Roses are red, violets are blue. Dakota are your eyes blue? Because if they are, they'd remind me of the sea. Playful, cunning, and as happy as can be. But when storm clouds roll overhead, and darkness is all you'll see. Remember you'll have us to help you break free. So when the storms roll away, and your as happy as can be, with your blue eyes that shine bright and sparkles, just like the sea.

And if not blue, than any color is just as pretty, as the boy with cute lips and and a smile as bright as a city. Brown would be just as fair, as it is the color of the earth, withstanding blows and allowing plants and creatures to grow. It is not boring or ugly or even plain, because no two brown eyes will ever appear the same. The earth allows people to play our silly games, which sometimes will cause the earth to be damned. But through strength and a will to live, my dearest Dakota will continue to give.

But alas, if not blue nor brown, don't fret my dear, because what's above the ground? Plains of grass and mountains of trees, maybe just the door for this key. Green is strength, compassion, and beauty, three favorite words to describe you, cutie. The soft soft touch of pine trees' branches, or the feel of wet dewy grass on your toes. The look of the mighty red wood trees, towering over us all. To the mystery of what truly lies in the rain forest or just what's in the woods of my back yard. They say eyes are the path to your soul, but the life in them depends if they are crystal or coal.

As I sign this as anonymous just know as I do, it is not because I don't wish for you to know me, I'm afraid to admit to conspiring this for you. Fear strikes in my heart, leaving me hanging by threads. Causing me to cripple and grasp on to life like a small incandescent icicle. Your life on Earth may be short, but remember, it's the longest thing you'll ever do. So instead of us all moping over heart break and lost love, give someone who is struggling a little shove.

Dakota your eyes are blue like the sea, brown like the earth, and green like the life that keeps these cycling around. And if you haven't figured it out yet, let me explain it. Dakota I'm saying you're the world, you cling onto life and keep us safe. And we hold close to you for warmth and life. So my dearest Dakota, the boy with the sweet grin and pretty lips, whenever you feel small, remember you hold the world in your eyes, that beautiful object that shelters us all.

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