Weightless ( A Calum Hood 5SOS punk story)

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It's temporary, ok. This is not how your life will turn out.
I re think these words over and over in my head as I drive towards the god forsaken place that I happen to work. Long hours, minimum wage, greasy and horrible clothing. That's right. I work at McDonald's. At least I know this is probably as low as my life could get, right?
I hope so.

I park up my car and clamber out, grabbing my brown satchel as I leave. The smell of grease, salt and sweaty teens instantly hits my nose. I let out a small sigh as I make my way to the back kitchen,but am blocked in my path.
"Not today, sorry, you're at the drive through windows" I look up towards my only co-worker friend, Liam.

"Please please please tell me you're joking, the people at drive through are always so rude, why'd you think I went for the kitchen duty?"

"Sorry, bosses orders" he holds up his palms in defense, his face showing sympathy.Liams not so bad compared to the other mindless workers that work here, he's in the same position as me. A poor Uni student, who can't find a decent job to pay for tuition.
He holds out my name tag in his hand, I make a show of grabbing it off him and huffing over to the window bays.
This is going to be a long day.

"I never even ordered this, can't you damn students do anything right?"
Not the first insult I've heard all day. He throws back his receipt and I mumble a quick apology and exchange his order.Only 5 minutes left then I can leave this dump and go home to study.Only one more customer left Madison,then you can finally leave I think to myself as the next car pulls up.

Oh god please no.Anyone but these boys. In a fluster I step back away from the window and grab Liam by the shoulder.

"I'm really not feeling so good, could I please leave 5 minutes early?" I'm
More begging than asking.

"Come on Madison it's only one more customer," and he shuffles off back to the fryer. Dammit.
I return to the window,pulling my cap down as far over my eyes as possible, hoping they won't recognise me.

"Nice of you to join" the voice is deep and mocking.
"How much will that be then?"
"10.40." I replied bluntly.
The boy in the car rummages through the car door pocket and digs out a ten.
"Oi, mike got any change?" I wish they'd hurry up. The boy in the driver seat practically flings me the change and I drop the 10ps all over the counter, I rush to quickly pick them all up and put it into the cash register. I hear the boys in the car snigger at my clumsiness and I flush with embarrassment. I turn to face them to
Hand them the receipt. As I hand it to the boy he makes direct eye contact with me. Not even a sign of recognition flashes though his eyes and I thank god.

"Hey! No shit, look who it us" another voice chimes in from the back, this boys voice was much deeper than the other twos. I suddenly realise the voice was directed at me. A boy twists his head around the two front seats to get a better look at my face. This can't be happening.
"Well well well, if isn't Madison Brooke"

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