"All Boy's School Survival Guide" for girls chapter 6

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[check out the video I posted with this and if you want you can go back to the other chapters and see the video's i posted with them. I thought the song's were fitting. It's got subtitles (only if u view it on youtube) but the song is really good it complements the mood in this chapter, especially towards the end of the chapter. Let me know what you think, and if you have any music that you think will fit my theme then private msg me with the link for the song and if I decide to post it with a chapter I will credit you for the suggestion. Comments about the music are always welcome cause I just love listening to music when i'm working or doing just about everything.

PS. I would love it if the music was any language as long as it has subtitles :3 ]


♠--Tip 6: Before embarking on your adventure with so many boys, remember that a rudimentary knowledge of boy's interests should be studied. Boy's are insanely interested in graphic video games having to do with war/gang violence/shooting and so forth. Practice to play some of the more popular one's; to know which video games are more popular, contact your local video game store.--♠

~From: "All boy's School Survival Guide" for girls

Aliza was struck dumb by how many guys she was surrounded by. /This is what you call, 'I died and now i'm in heaven!'/ Under hooded eyes, she studied the hall. It had a very comforting ambiance. The walls were red brick instead of drywall that she was so accustomed to. There were two flat-screen TV's at opposite ends, and both were showing a soccer, ahem...'football' match. She had never been a very observant football fan, although she watched the 'Euro-cup' and subsequently 'World-cup', she never followed the teams otherwise. The room was furnished with some long tables that sported big cushioned chairs, and there were also smaller tables with metal back chairs. She tried to make out the music in the background, but the words didn't register as any she had heard before. /I guess it's a local band or something?/

She looked to the far side of the room and spotted Quinn, who seemed to be having a lively conversation with his friends. /Agh! Just hope he doesn't notice me among all these guys, I really don't want another conversation with him./ Turning around, she realized Roan had moved to join a couple of other guys who were coming to join her and Lucien.

"Is that small guy Luc's roomy? Hah, he doesn't look like much older then a 16 year-old, and you say he's in his last year?" This was said by the guy on Roan's right. When she continued to look at him and didn't respond he finally said, "Dude, you goino tell me your name, or what?"

"Ahh..s-sorry, my name's Alex."

"Alex...hmmm...my name is Gabriel." He said, studying her.

"He's a co-head with me for the swimming club, if you want to join, just let me know." Lucien said trying to patch the silence. After his benevolent offer was kindly rejected by Alex, the conversation moved to other topics and Alex listened with only a half ear. /Thank god he didn't persist about joining the swimming club, i'll have to drop hints that I don't know how to swim or something like that so he doesn't ask me again./

Soon, the guys started drifting towards the snacks table and passing around alcohol. Alex sat by herself in one of the smaller tables, and made sure she didn't let Lucien or Roan out of her sight just in case. As she sat there, she thought about how she was going to carry this farce on. She would have to be more convincing as a guy because already others were noticing little things, and maybe someone would out two-and-two together and discover her secret.

Suddenly the music got louder and some of the guys started to dance. She saw Lucien heading towards her.

"Come-on dude, don't sulk in the corner, get up and enjoy a little 'cause once classes start you won't get too much free time." Lucien took her hand and pulled her up.

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