"All Boy's School Survival Guide" for girls chapter 5

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♠--Tip 5: Voice is a major factor when considering to pose as a guy in an all boy's school. Using a high-pitched feminine voice is strongly advised against. Try to project your voice in a way that it sounds more throaty. Add a deep baritone that originates from the bottom of your throat. For reference, watch "the House Bunny" clip in which the main actress memorizes people's names by projecting her voice in an atrocious voice. Although your voice does not need to reach such a bloodcurdling/chilling tone.--♠

~From: "All Boy's School Survival Guide" for girls

After lunch, Lucien and Roan took Aliza on a tour of the school grounds. Lucien and Roan showed her the school building, named Rochester Hall; where they will have all their classes. The building was a four story gothic structure. Although it looked to have been renovated several times with a couple of new additions added, the gothic theme was not overwhelmed by the victorian additions.

The grounds outside were just amazing. She loved the gardens with a wide variety of english roses on the left side of the Rochester Hall. It added a splash of colour to the monotonous tones of Rochester Hall. Lucien mentioned that they led to Staunton Park. On the other side was a track field.

Aliza was marveling at the open gymnasium. At her school back home, her gym was barely one football field in size, but Ascham's gym was the size of at least five football fields. /And this is only the indoor gymnasium! I could get used to this./ Her excited thoughts all fled when she recalled Quinn's behaviour at lunch. She wasn't sure, but had a premonition that his grin did not bode well for her. She had to tell Alex about everything that was not going well. /Well...that's just about everything that's happened since I got here!/ She made a mental note to write an e-mail tonight letting him know she hasn't been skinned alive...so far. /Ahh...my future's not looking too good.../ She straightened, trying to look interested while her thoughts were occupied by recent events.

Soon, Roan excused himself, saying he had to pick up his roommate from the bus station. Lucien and Alex made their way back to the room in silence.

Once back inside the room, Alex decided to catch up on much needed rest, her long flight plus the unfolding of the recent events was taking a toll on her body and she climbed to the top bunk with haste.


Lucien watched as Alex climbed onto his bunk and promptly feel asleep. /Maybe I should do the same? Wait...I have a meeting with the new swimming club co-head, Gabriel, at 5pm today, better head there, it's almost time./ With that, Lucien changed his clothes in the attached washroom and headed out.

≈ Four Hour's Later ≈

Aliza woke up with a mild headache. She blinked her eye's to try and orient herself. Lucien was nowhere in the room, through the window in front of the computer desk, she could see it was dark outside. She moved a little dazedly out of bed and headed towards her laptop that was resting on the computer desk. She turned it on and waited for Mozilla to open. Mozilla's window opened and her /igoogle/ page allowed her to access her e-mail.

Quickly she typed a note to Alex.

/"Hi Alex,

I'm alive.

PS. I met Quinn. Wasn't such a nice reunion if you can guess.

How are things back home?"/

Satisfied with the note, she sent it and got up. Moving towards the closet, she decided to take Lucien's absence as an opportunity to take a shower in the connecting bathroom. She opened her carved chest that she had shoved under the bunk bed and took out a pair of bra and undies. /God I can't wait to take the wig off, it's starting to itch!/

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