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The wooden floor boards creak under my weight as I cross over them and I keep peering over my shoulder expecting to find a ghost. I want to get the hell out of here so I waste no time pulling open the drawers to the desk, only to find generic office supplies.

I pull open the bottom left drawer and find a stack of white envelopes. I pull one out and it looks like the same kind of envelope that the checks were in. I stash another one in my purse just to compare but I'm pretty sure it's just a normal standard-size letter envelope.

I continue on down the drawers and gasp when I find a few empty manila folders with Historical Society stickers on the front. I flip the folders open just to make sure there isn't anything unusual about them but they look just like brand new folders. I drop the walkie-talkie on the desk as I quickly rifle through the other side of the drawers. I find more office supplies and some blank manila folders but nothing else.

I drop my hands to my hips as I survey the room, if I was trying to hide something where would I stash it? I decide to check out the large bookcase that sits next to the desk.

I shift some of the books around and say, "How is there no writing paper in this office?" Very loudly, as if I were frustrated in case there is some sort of security watching my every move. After nothing turns up, I stare at the bookcase and wonder if this is one of those fancy bookcases that swing out and lead to another secret room! The house is over a hundred years old, so hidden passageways or blocked-off rooms wouldn't be that outlandish.

I push on the bookcase and nothing happens, damn. I then go check to see if the bookshelf sits flush against the wall. I find where the bookcase meets the wall and run my hand along the wallpapered wall. I'm about to remove my hand from behind the bookcase when Ryan comes over the walkie-talkie.

"Find what you need?"

His voice startles me and in shock, I instinctively yank my hand out from behind the bookcase with such force I nearly knock myself backward. As I take a step backward, my back hits the tall lamp behind me and goes flying sideways. I turn around to try and catch it, but it hits the wall behind the desk and knocks the gold-framed picture sideways. The light is now shining directly onto the crooked portrait, casting an eerie shadow onto the painted confederate soldier's face. I'm officially creeped out and want to get the hell out of here.

I shake my jitters off as I walk over to the heavy lamp and as I go to pull it upright, I catch something behind the frame as it falls back into place. I let go of the lamp and take a few steps toward the portrait. I grab the walkie-talkie and quietly say, "I may have just found something."

I stretch out both arms and place a hand on each side of the heavy gold frame. I pull the frame up and off the nail it's hung on and my eyes go wide. Behind the frame is a small black wall safe. It has a sleek keypad on the front of it but I have no idea how to go about opening it. I decide that if there is security watching me, I better not touch the safe. I do not need my fingerprints all over it.

I grab the heavy frame and heave it back onto the nail. I spin back to the desk, grab the walkie-talkie and my purse before blazing out of the room. I make sure to flip all the light switches off in the house before practically sprinting back to the front door. I lock the house up and dash down the stairs into Ryan's truck. He looks to me as I haul myself into the passenger seat and I shut the door. I look to him and say, "There's a wall safe and Historical Society folders upstairs in the office."

He looks to me but before he can say anything, I continue, "I don't ever want to be in that house at night when I'm alone again. Now let's go discuss this elsewhere. That house gave me the creeps."

He nods and then turns to drive back down the hill. When he gets back onto the road that leads to town he asks, "Beer?"

I glance to him.

My Spy 3: Murder MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now