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Less than twenty-four hours later, I am striding up the cement steps to the Wellington house on a mad hunt for LulaBelle. I got a hold of her husband Garrett and he informed me that she was at the house ordering around the contractors that arrived this morning.

When I reach the landing, I notice the large red front door is sitting wide open and I can see straight down the narrow hallway to where a dozen men are wandering around.

I don't bother knocking before stepping over the threshold. I haven't been to this house since the fundraiser and it looks rather drab without all the glamorous Gatsby-themed decorations. I also notice all of the antique furniture has been shoved into a corner in the formal sitting room with white sheets draped over everything. My converse don't make much of a sound as I glide over the dusty marble flooring so no one notices me strut into the kitchen.

I can immediately hear LulaBelle's shrill voice coming from the backyard and I politely smile to a few workers as I shimmy around them to make my way outside.

I spot LulaBelle using her hand to shield the bright sun from glaring onto her face and her other hand is supporting her back. Her pregnant belly is accented in a floral sundress and her long red locks are twisted up into a neat up-do. She's giving directions to the landscapers, so she doesn't notice me come up next to her until she removes the hand that was shielding her eyes to point off to where the rose bushes are to be planted. She must spot me in her peripheral because I watch her do a double-take before she frowns.

"I told Mrs. Samuels I did not need help directing the contractors. I am quite capable of handling the gardeners."

"Landscapers aren't gardeners LulaBelle," I say flatly and she rolls her eyes at me. "Anyway, I am not here on Mrs. Samuels's behalf, I needa talk to you."

She looks over to me again and as she folds her arms across her chest, she says, "You can clearly see I am busy here Sawyer."

"It will only take a minute. Besides aren't you ready to pop? Don't you need a rest?" I ask her as my eyes flit to her belly. She grimaces.

"I am only twenty-four weeks."

I quickly do the mental math and realize she's not as close to bursting as I thought.

"Oh, you just look about nine months is all then."

She spins on her heel and struts off the back patio. I exhale loudly and I know insulting LulaBelle is not how I am going to get on her good side. I chase after her and I reach out to pull on her elbow.

"I'm sorry LulaBelle, that came out wrong. I gotta talk to you though," I beg and she finally stops walking and turns to face me. I look around, noticing all the workers are spread out around the backyard- no one is listening in. She shakes her head at me while growing impatient so I finally say, "I needa talk to you about Poppy."

I watch her eyes narrow as she asks, "What about Poppy?"

I twist my hands together as I answer, "I know me and Poppy got into a tiff at the last meeting, but I just wanted you to know I didn't mean what I said. I don't want Jackson back and I don't want people under the impression that I do."

"And when does Sawyer Sweeney care what I think?" She snaps and I exhale loudly before I respond.

"When Sawyer Sweeney looks like a suspect in a murder investigation. I know you love to spread the gossip LulaBelle and I know you love watching me squirm."

I catch her smirk before she responds.

"So you're a suspect are ya? I should have known you were going to snap one day."

"I didn't snap. I have nothing to do with this, that's the point. I don't need you giving people in this town a reason to think I do have something to do with it."

"You are the one that had an outburst Sawyer, I had nothing to do with that," she says with the smirk still playing on her bright cherry red lips.

"But you do have something to do with starting and spreading rumors. Or manipulating what really happened," I say back to her. "Yes, I was mad that day and I was hurt that that mortifying picture was being shown around a meeting. But I need you to know and understand that I would never hurt Poppy- verbally maybe, but never physically. And if you go around telling people that we had an altercation, then eyes will be directed towards me instead of the real killer."

She purses her lips a bit as she mulls it over. Her hip is popped as her arms lay gingerly on top of her belly. She sighs and then looks to me.

"So, if you didn't kill Poppy, who did?"

A light laugh escapes me and I shake my head.

"I ain't got a clue LulaBelle. Why would I know?"

Her smirk is suddenly back as she says, "Because you're shacking up with the detective on the case. I'm sure he has some kind of lead if he doesn't think it's you."

I shake my head.

"Ryan doesn't tell me anything. He keeps our relationship separate from work."

"Well, that's a damn shame," she replies and the small curse word throws me off. I never hear her say anything harsher than darn.

"It's not my business," I reply to her but she just shrugs.

"Maybe you should make it your business. Maybe the more you know, the less I will think you're guilty."

I laugh again as I dramatically shake my head. I shift my weight as I drop my hands to my waist.

"So that's what you want huh? If I feed you information about how the case is going, you'll keep my name outta your mouth?"

She pops up her shoulder.

"That seems fair to me."

"Why do you want to know so badly? What's it to you?" I ask and she glances around her before answering, "I like to be in the know, Sawyer. I like to be in control. This town is drooling for information and I would like to be the one that has it."

Our eyes are locked as I mull everything over. I knew LulaBelle was a gossiper and I knew she loves being at the center of the universe. It makes sense that she wants to be the first to know anything about the biggest murder case Hollis has ever seen. Poppy is the dead girl, but LulaBelle wants all the attention from it.

"I don't know if Ryan will tell me anything."

"He will if it will keep you off the suspect list. But who knows, maybe if I tell Detective Connor that you two had an altercation and that you have a past of violent behavior, he'll look past it," she says smugly.

So, she's resorted to blackmail. I put nothing past this woman.

"Whitney deserved what she got," I confess but LulaBelle just shakes her head.

"And maybe you feel justified that Poppy got what she deserved. They both did try to take your man from you, did they not?"

Defeated, I glare at her and snap, "Fine. I will tell you about any developments in the case if you keep my name out of your mouth. If Detective Connor comes sniffing around, you will lead him far from my trail. Deal?"


She takes another step toward me and as she lowers her head, she says, "Now tell me everything you know so far."

My Spy 3: Murder MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now