Not As Planned

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Ryan has one hand in my hair and the other around my waist as we stumble up his patio stairs. Our lips are furiously finding spots on each other's lips, cheeks and necks and we only pause to breathe when Ryan fishes his house key out of his pocket. As soon as he pushes the door open, I jump into his arms and we start making out all over again. I've been waiting for almost a month to get Ryan back under the sheets and I am not waiting any longer.

He holds me tightly against him as we move toward the staircase and I rub my hand against the wall looking for the light switch. Suddenly a light turns on at the top of the stairs and someone clears their throat loudly.

I pull my lips off Ryan's and we both snap our heads to the top of the stairs where Margot stands, smirking with her hands on her tiny waist.

"Didn't mean to interrupt. I thought y'all were Austin."

I tuck my wild blonde hair behind my ears as I catch my breath and look back up at her.

"Sorry to disappoint you."

She gives us a slight frown and turns to go back toward Austin's room. Something stops her and she looks back at me with a small smile.

"Oh, tell Annabeth congratulations for me." She turns back around but I call out to her, so she spins to face me again.

"Wait, why?"

"On the baby. I'm sure the Blackwoods are so excited. I mean, I'm sure they were worried for Gus for a second there, but he ended up finding a nice girl after all!"

She smiles at me again and I don't match her enthusiasm. I glare at Ryan as I snap, "I thought y'all said you were going to keep that quiet?"

Ryan shrugs, looking as confused as I am and Margot cuts in.

"Oh, I found the test on the counter. I thought it was yours, but Austin clarified."

I look back to Ryan and slap my hands against my legs as I ask, "You left it on the counter?"

"To be fair, it is our house and Annabeth left it sitting to be found in the trash. And I thought it was yours, so pardon me if I wasn't thinking about where I left the test as my mind was on overload about who the test belonged to," Ryan says sternly. I exhale loudly and look back up at Margot.

"No one knows about the test, well other than Ryan, Austin, myself and now you. So, it would be great if you kept the news to yourself."

She scrunches her face as she says, "Oh, well, Molly knows too. She was here earlier when I saw the test in the kitchen."

I snap my head back in frustration. All of Hollis is going to know Annabeth is pregnant before she does. I look back up to Margot and ask, "Can you tell her not to tell anyone?"

Before she can answer, my phone rings. I am about to throw it out the window so the endless phone calls can finally stop. I feel like I've been on the phone all day. I pull it from my purse and see that it's Gus. I give a worried look to Ryan before I answer it.

"Hey Gus!"

"Uh hey, there Sawyer," he responds flatly and I immediately know something is off. He never simply calls me Sawyer.

"Are you okay Gus?" I ask and it's quiet on the phone for a long uncomfortable moment. I bite my lip as I turn away from Ryan and slowly step into the living room. Finally, he says, "You talk to Annabeth today?"

My stomach flips and I suddenly feel hot all over. I swallow hard before I reply, "Afraid not. I haven't heard from her since last night. Why?"

He's quiet for a second again before he says, "I've been trying to get a hold of her all evening. I'm worried."

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