Betty and Scarlett

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Once the blueprint is rolled back up and the dessert plates are cleared, everyone stands up to mingle. I feel my phone buzz so I pull myself away from the table and strut off the patio and into the grass. I answer my momma's phone call and say, "Perfect timing if you are on your way."

"No Sawyer, I am having Mrs. Hamilton drop me at home now. I got one of my migraines at the meeting and you know I can't drive when one comes on." I roll my eyes at her knowing how dramatic she can be when she gets a migraine. I quickly reply back, "Okay I'll see if someone can drop me at home."

"No dear, I need you to get the car from the club. Have someone drop you off there, the keys are in the glove box." She hangs up the phone without a response and I shake my head at her demands. I know the country club is out of the way for anyone here, so I decide to see if Ryan can swoop me up and take me over there. Luckily, he answers right away and tells me that he is able to swing by. After confirming with him, I stuff my phone back inside my purse and wander back over to the porch. When I cross back into the crowd, silence falls over the patio and I find LulaBelle snickering. I catch Poppy's eye and she shoves her phone into the thin pocket of her dress. Betty darts over me and says, "Sawyer dear, why don't you come and check out my new kitchen." I have no idea why there is a sudden awkwardness but she slides the door shut after Scarlett follows behind us.

We are stepping into Betty's bright and beautiful new kitchen when Scarlett spins around and grabs the top of my arms.

"Has your mother seen that picture of you that's going around?" She asks me. My jaw drops and Scarlett removes her hands from my tense posture and then folds her arms over her chest. They both look concerned and my stunned expression forces Scarlett to add, "We aren't scolding you, darling, we just worry for your personal safety when your mother sees that." She lets out a light laugh and I relax a little. I know Jackson is the one that snapped the picture so I hardly want to rag on Scarlett's son in front of her. She comes in closer to me as I admit, "I'm embarrassed about what happened on Saturday night. To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what happened to my shirt but I promise it won't happen again. And yes, my mother has seen the picture. I haven't been drinking because of the fool I made of myself last weekend." The last part was half true and they did all witness me drinking water tonight. Scarlett waves her hand in the air as she says, "We've all had scandals dear, that ain't the issue here." I'm shocked Mrs. Hemming is speaking to me so casually. I hardly ever hear her use words like "ain't" but I guess she's around friends and has had a few glasses of wine.

Confused I look between the two women and ask, "Y'all aren't horrified over that picture?" Betty laughs and Scarlett glances back to the door before saying, "No sweetness, the issue is with Poppy Penderghast out there." Betty leans against the island and I shake my head, "What? Why?" They steal a knowing glance to each other and then Scarlett looks back to me.

"I know my son is the ass that snapped the picture but it was Poppy out there that spread it like wildfire. She's out there on the porch doing it now." My jaw drops again at both Scarlett's use of the word ass and Poppy's behavior. Betty nods her head in agreement. Scarlett continues, "I heard Jackson scold her for sending it out to people and she begged him to take the heat for it since you work for her family." I'm stunned. Poppy seemed so upset by it at the Winery but maybe she was just upset at Jackson's comments about my body in the picture. Betty then adds, "Sawyer sweetie, you are a sweet girl and I know you've been mixed into things that aren't particularly your fault." I nod in agreement and Scarlett quickly chimes in, "Now, I have no right to be asking for your help but I think I can make it worth your while." I glance between the two scheming women and I wonder what they have up their sleeve. Scarlett pulls my hands into hers and says, "I need to get rid of Poppy. She is trying to weasel her way into my family and after some recent discoveries, I will not allow it. Jackson won't listen to me, clearly or y'all would be married, so I was wondering if you could come between them." She catches my surprise and quickly adds, "You see what a mess she is and I am more mortified that she thinks it's appropriate to show LulaBelle that picture with all of us present than the actual picture itself. Her trying to make you look bad is making her look bad. She can't be associated with my son and her desperate hands won't touch our money." I'm still stunned. I'm shocked by Scarlett's confession and I had no idea she was willing to play dirty. Scarlett Hemming, Queen of Hollis is asking for my help and is acting so casual about everything. This is the same woman who terrifies me into minding my manners and scares me into remembering things like lily beetles. I guess after Whitney tried to swindle millions of Hemming money, she has to be more cautious. I look to Betty who is making sure no one is listening and reply, "I'm sorry Mrs. Hemming, but I am in a relationship now. And both Jackson and Poppy are fully aware of it."

"Yes, dear I know. This is where I think I can help you."

"How?" I ask and she smiles, "Me, Betty and your mother have been friends for ages. Our opinions of each other matter a great deal and we also have a heavy influence on society here in Hollis. We've been listening to your mother's worries about you and Mr. Hart becoming serious and she knows you won't listen to her. And no one is unaware of her feelings for you marrying someone outside a founding family." I quickly nod in agreement so she continues, "Now, you are serious about this man, aren't you? We've all seen how smitten you two are around town." I nod again to her and Betty interjects, "He really is a handsome young thing ain't he?" I blush but Scarlett continues as if Betty hadn't interjected, "I know my son royally messed up any chances of you two being together. As much as I want you as my daughter-in-law, I understand why you won't give Jackson the time of day. I, however, want you to still be happy and if this Ryan is the one that makes you happy then Betty and I will convince your mother to give him her blessing if and when the time comes for him to make an honest woman out of you." Warmth spreads through me and I can't believe what she's offering. If I can get Poppy out of the picture, they'll convince my mother that Ryan is worthy. I am silent when Scarlett adds, "I'll convince her of any man you wish to marry even if for some reason you and Ryan don't work out. Even if the man you love is not from a founding family." This is huge. Momma's peers' opinions matter more to her than anything else. If I know I have her blessing on any man I choose to marry, my life will be a great deal easier.

I look between the two anxiously awaiting women and then ask, "I just have to remove Poppy from Jackson's picture and you'll convince my mom to give her blessing on any man I choose to marry?" Betty and Scarlett nod and Betty pipes up, "I'm still rooting for you and Tate but for the sake of my friend Scarlett here, who has already been put through the wringer with the Carmichael fiasco, I want to see her protected." I smile at them and agree to it before I can change my mind. They quickly pull me in for a hug and as I pull away, I tell them, "Now anything I am about to say or do is simply out of duty, alright?" They both nod in agreement and I turn away from them to head outside. I find Poppy giving Lucy a hug goodbye and catch her off guard as I come barreling towards her. She looks to me and my upset expression as I say, "How dare you try and embarrass me here. That photo was taken without my consent and I can't believe you'd stoop low enough to show it around. I thought we were friends Poppy, but you've now made an enemy out of me." Poppy glances around, horrified to be confronted at a social gathering and shakes her head, "I don't know what you mean?" I glare to LulaBelle who is soaking up the drama and ask, "Did Poppy just show you that photo here on the porch tonight?" LulaBelle stammers over her response, not wanting to get involved so I snap my attention back to Poppy, "You better stop whatever it is you're doing or I won't stay away from Jackson like I have been doing as a courtesy to you." My threat causes Poppy to square me up and seethe out, "Go ahead. He wants nothing to do with you. You are old news that we get a good laugh at now and again. He wouldn't go back to you." My phone is ringing in my purse and I know it's Ryan waiting for me to come out front. I keep my eyes locked with Poppy's as I threaten, "Want to bet on that?" I swing back around not letting her answer and wink to Scarlett as I pass. I continue out the front door and am pleased with the performance I gave out there. I don't care if the rest of the group thinks I was dramatic, if it gets back to my mother, I'll tell her I was defending myself with Betty and Scarlett backing me up. The only person I need to prepare for the gossip is Ryan. Word is going to spread quickly about me threatening Poppy about getting back together with Jackson.

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