Part 3

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I found myself with free time and I chose to write this one. It's my apologize about the previous chapter's delay. Hope you like it :).

Jane was waiting impatiently on the hall of the hospital until Lisbon's brother Stan and Jimmy showed up running to his side.

"What happened Jane? How is Teresa?" Stan asked worried.

"They still examine her. They didn't tell me anything yet." Jane asked with a broke voice.

"How did it happen?" Jimmy asked softly.

"I don't know. Everything seemed fine. I was preparing breakfast when I heard her falling down the stairs. I ran to her but she had lost her senses." Jane explained.

"Do you think she did it?" Jimmy asked nervous.

"What? No. She would never hurt herself." Jane replied annoying.

"Well, she wasn't herself the last weeks so..." Jimmy continued.

"NO! How could you imply something like it? Don't you know her at all?" Jane stopped him aggressive.

"Easy guys... We are here because we all care about her." Stan yelled at them. " Let's wait the doctors before we jump into conclusions. " he continued and both of them nodded.

"Patrick, how was she the last days?" Stan asked gentle.

"Better. She hasn't talked yet but she was smiling and she began to response to me . She seemed more relaxed. I don't know how it was happened. But I am sure she didn't do it on purpose." Jane respond seriously.

They waited in silent for two more hours before they saw the doctor.

"Family for Ms. Lisbon?" he asked casual and they ran to him.

The doctor nodded them to follow him and they entered to his office. After he sat behind his desk and Jimmy with Stan in front of it he began:

" Ms. Lisbon hurt her head from the falling. We ran some exams and she fortunately was very lucky. The wound was surface. I know you worried about the blood but it was only a scratch. Nothing serious or permanent. " the doctor explained and all left a breath of relief.

"Do you know how did it happen? Did she wake up? Did she say anything?" Stan asked with plain voice.

"We were very careful with her. She seems to have lose weight and it worried us a lot. She woke up a few minutes ago. But she didn't say anything. She respond to us with nods. "the doctor replied calm.

"Did she say how it happened? If she did anything..." Jimmy asked and Jane saw red.

"That's a strange question. Do we have to know anything?" the doctor asked concerned.

"No, you don't. Her brother is just stupid." Jane hissed giving Jimmy an annoying look.

"Ms. Lisbon was no aware of her situation. We found it weird giving the her state. She lost her senses because the levels of iron and vitamins in her system were extremely low from the weight lost. And based on her condition..." the doctor explained.

"What condition?" Jane stopped him.

"Ms. Lisbon is two months pregnant Mr. Jane." the doctor replied and Jane stayed cold.

Jimmy and Stan looked each other and turned their head to Jane. Jane took a big breath and tried to calm himself. They were all in shock and Jane broke first the silence when he recovered.

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