Part 1

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I'm back with a new story. It's not a happy one but it will have a happy ending. Life was a mess the previous months. I stayed away and I am so happy to see so many updates and new stories. I had a lot to catch up. Mentalist is still alive and it make me incredible happy.!!!

Patrick Jane opened the door of his airstream and went out alone holding a cup of tea on his hands. The day was sunny and hot and he closed his eyes with a soft sign when the sun touched his face. He took a big breath and sat down on the airstream's stairs looking the grand canyon in front of him.

It was two weeks after Vega's funeral. Two weeks since the last time he saw Lisbon. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't bear the constant fear and living around the shadow of death. Working with the feds was a path to find Red John at first and then to be a free man. But now he didn't have anything to hold him to continue do it.

Only Lisbon. It was the only person, the only thing to keep him going. He loved her passion about justice but he couldn't face the danger around her. He couldn't bear to lose her. It would be his breaking point.

Vega's death shook him hard. He saw her like his little daughter. So young, so kind, so beautiful, she remind him his beautiful Charlotte. It was like living her death again in a way and he needed to run away. He didn't leave forever. He needed some time away from FBI but he would return back. Because nothing felt like a house like when he was with Lisbon. She was his everything. Without her was nothing, half, empty.

The first three days she had called him a few times. He didn't pick it up. he knew as long he would hear her, he would have return. But he couldn't go back because he chase away all his ghosts. It wouldn't be right for neither of them.

Jane stayed a few moments, drinking his lovely tea before he went back inside and began to drive again. When he was behind the wheel, his mind was clear and his only though was the long road in front of his eyes.

Suddenly he saw sirens and a police car made him a sigh to stop aside. He saw a policeman to come to his side and he opened his window.

"Afternoon, officer." Jane began calm.

"Sir, are you the registered owner of this vehicle?" the policeman asked icily.

"I am"

"May I see your license please?"

"Sure." Jane and gave it to him.

"So you are Patrick Jane." He said without looking at him.

"All day, every day, unfortunately." Jane joked lightly.

"Step out of the car." The policeman ordered and Jane nodded.

When he was out the policeman turned him and began to search him.

"Sir, you have a warrant for your arrest in Austin , Texas." he said when he stopped.

"What's the charge?" Jane said frustrated.

"Failure to appear", the policeman explained and took his hands and handcuffed him on the back.

Three hours later the door of the elevator stopped and Jane moved out to the familiar FBI's bullpen. The first person he saw was Cho who was sitting behind his desk. Cho offered him a cold nod and a policeman dragged him to the interrogation room.

An officer brought him a cup of tea which he accepted it grateful and waited patient. He knew Lisbon was behind of it and he was happy he would see her again.

But every hope broke when the door opened and Cho appeared. Jane gave him a small smile but looking at Cho's seriously face it vanished immediately.

"What's going on Cho? Why am I here?" Jane asked

"You are her because you didn't answer your phone." Cho replied coldly.

"Is that a reason to arrest me? I never thought you would use FBI's system for it. " Jane joked.

"It's not funny Jane." Cho screamed and hit his hand on the table making Jane frown about his reaction. "I personally don't give a shit about you anymore. But we need you." Cho continued.

"I guess it must be a very important case to drag me back here." Jane said "Where is Lisbon?"

"It's not about a case Jane. It is about Lisbon." Cho explained.

"What...? What happened to her?" Jane asked immediately worried and Cho stayed silent staring at him. "Speak Cho! How is Lisbon?" Jane screamed and his heart began to beat almost painfully fast on his chest.

Then Cho told him everything. Lisbon was sick. Not physically but emotionally. She had depression one of the FBI's psychologist said. She stopped to eat, sleep, talk, smile. She was sadness and unmoved all the time. She had lost hope.

Her brother Jimmy was with her and tried everything during the last weeks to gain an expression of her without any success. Cho said his living broke her and she refused to come back to her old self.

Jane was listening like his own life depended on it. Only he could save her now the psychologist said.

"So will you help us?" Cho asked when he finished.

"Do you have to ask? Of course." Jane said and stood up immediately. "Take me to her." Jane said but Cho stayed unmoved.

"What are you waiting for?" Jane asked angrily.

"We need to clean the air first. If you stay and decide to help her, you won't run again Jane. Because I will search every inch of this planet to find and crush your heart with my own hands. If you think you can't do it, leave now Jane. And never come back. We will take care of her." Cho said coldly.

"Do you think I have a choice? I can't live without her. I can't bring without her. Knowing she is in this state because of me, make me to want to beat myself to death. I never wanted to hurt her Cho. I hate myself this moment more than you. And I promise you if I hurt her again, even by accident, I will surround myself to you. And I will wait to keep your promise." Jane replied him with tears.

Cho gave him a silent nod and he dragged him to Lisbon's house. As soon they arrived, Jane jumped out of the car and ran toward her house. Jimmy let him inside and found her sitting on the couch. She had her back to him and he studied her for a few moments before he found the strength to walk in front of her.

Her gaze was empty, looking at the black television in front of her. She was pale, thinner and she seemed like she had cried.

Jane called her name but she didn't respond. He got down on his knees meeting her gaze.

"It's me Lisbon. I'm here." Jane said without breaking contact. "I'm here and I won't leave again. I love you." Jane continued letting a few tears to escape his eyes.

Lisbon didn't respond to him. Jane tried again and again for two hours. It was the first time that he would do anything to know what she was thinking or feel. Jane sat beside her and took her in his arms. His hands caressed her hair and her head was in the crook of his neck as he wanted to feel her breathing against his skin.

Jane stayed there holding her , murmuring his love to her as he made a promise to himself. he would do anything to help her , to bring her back. he would always be there for her how long it would take. He didn't care anything more except her. he had her in his arms and that was the most important.


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