Part 2

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I know I am awful. I won't make any excuses about the delay. I need to thank you all about your beautiful reviews and follows. They made me so happy. I hope you like the second part. It's small but we have some progress on it. If you have any thoughts or ideas please sent me a PM. I am open to any suggestions.

A week after Jane's return nothing has changed. Lisbon hasn't said anything yet. She was only talking on her sleep. Her nightmares were about Red John and him. She often cried his name and Jane woke her up caressing her hair softly.

He always was there. He didn't let her side not even for a second. He talked to her about everything. About his childhood, about Angela and Charlotte, about her. He told her how much she means to him, how much he loves her, that he would not leave her side again no matter how she would be.

Lisbon hadn't made a move to touch him but she let him hold her and took care of her. Sometimes she looked at him afraid like she saw a ghost. Other times her look was blank, unexpressive. And sometimes he thought he saw his old Lisbon back.

She didn't eat well. Her brothers were happy and grateful because he made her eat sometimes. She began to lose weight and Jane was worried about it.

Jane missed her. He may was with here but he missed his old Lisbon. He missed her touch, her smile, the sparking of her eyes, her voice, her. He missed the way she called his name.

He took her out for walks. Sometimes they took the airstream. Sometimes he just held her hands as they walked around the neighborhood. The fourth day they walked out a pet shop and he saw the way Lisbon looked at the puppies. She always loved dogs. Her old office back in CBI was filled with pictures of them. Jane dragged her inside and bought one. It was a small white dog. Lisbon loved to cuddle with it and he saw her smile sometimes to it.

Jane didn't name the puppy. He told her to take her time to think a name. The puppy spend more of its time with Lisbon. Lisbon liked to fondle it and the puppy was more than happy.

Jane was happy about it. He knew his old Lisbon was still inside and he could bring her back. He just needed time to do it.

Jane even prepared a bath for her. He made sure the water was warm like she like it and he helped her go in and wash her hair. She didn't stop him, she just curled herself as he cleaned her. He kept his movements soft, gentle.

At nights, they stayed lying down in her bed. Jane took her in his arms , her head rested to his chest. They watched television as he caressed her hair. He murmured his love to her until she fall asleep in his arms.

At the sixth day, she woke up alone in her bed. She began to cry loud and Jane ran to her bed. When she saw him , she held him tight. He told her he was there all the time and he just left the room to make breakfast for her. Lisbon didn't say anything as she moved closer. She was afraid he would leave, Jane thought and his heart lost a beat at the pain. Jane took her hand and laid it above his heart so she could feel he was real . He didn't push her. He waited and waited patiently.

At the eighth day , they found themselves out to her garden. Jane putted down a big soft blanket. They laid together looking at the dark sky filled with bright stars. Lisbon turned to look at him and he felt her moving closer. Her hands travelled his face and a tear escaped his eyes. It was the first time she took a step forward. Jane waited for her next move and she leaned forward and connected her lips to his.

Jane began to kiss her softly and he felt Lisbon to response to it. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Lisbon opened her mouth and let his tongue play with hers. He heard her moaning and his heart exploded in his chest.

She broke first the kiss. She didn't say anything but her gaze was warm and she was smiling. Jane never felt happier in his life.

"I love you." Jane repeated over and over. "I love you so much Lisbon. You don't need to speak. Just smile. I miss your smile so much."

They stayed all night there together. They exchanged more kisses and Lisbon smiled at him and it was like the sun came out warming his heart.

When the next day came Jane was smiling like a sun. He told her he should go downstairs to prepare breakfast for them. Lisbon nodded and let him leave. Jane took it as a progress to trust him again. He was ready to call her name when he heard a big noise coming from the living room.

Jane ran there and he found Lisbon unconscious on the floor. She had hurt her head from the falling of the stairs. Jane cried her name to an effort to wake her up but Lisbon didn't response at all. Her face was pale and Jane called an ambulance. One hour late, they arrived at the hospital and Jane fell down to a chair as the paramedics disappeared the hall with Lisbon.

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