11) What's Going On?

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Shawn p.o.v.

Taylor and I cuddle as we lay down on the couch, watching TV as his Taylor's little brother plays with little Legos. Everybody went out tonight, while we stayed to take care of Tristen. I'm happy since it's the only quiet time we've had in the last couple of months. Living with a lot of people doesn't really give you any silent time.

"So...you're birthday is coming up," I mention to Taylor. "And by coming up, I mean tomorrow night." Him and I both chuckle at that.

"Yeah, what were you thinking of doing?"

"Well I was thinking of maybe doing a little party. What do you think?"

As long as it's with you, I'll be great, he tells me. "I think that it's--," he gets cut off by the doorbell ringing. We frown and sit up looking back at the door. "Who could that be?" Taylor stands up and walks over to the front door. I get up too and so does Tristen and we follow Taylor to the front door.

Taylor looks out the peep hole and frowns. He opens the door and we're all surprise at who is standing on the other side. "Mommy," Tristen squeals before running over to her. She picks him up and spins him around as he giggles.

"It's good to see you mother," Taylor says, with no enthusiasm. Taylor's parents weren't around much growing up. They went on business trips a lot and they'd usually be gone for a week or two, I think it's made him resentful towards them. Mr. and Mrs. Caniff aren't bad people, but I do wished they spent more time with their children.

"We would have seen each other sooner, if you answered your phone," she tells him coldly.

"Well I guess like mother like son," he says back. The two scowl at each other for a sec before Mrs. Caniff notices me and her eyes go wide for a sec.

"Hello Shawn, how've you been," she asks, extending her hand out. She gives me a warm smile with no sign of anger from the little fight she just had.

I take her hand and shake it. "I've been doing great. You?"

She shrugs. "Same old, same old. How's your parents? I heard they moved somewhere foreign."

"Yeah, Iceland. I wish I could go see them. The place they live in doesn't get good reception," I tell her.

"Well if you ever want to go, I can get you a private jet there."

"Thank you very much," I say.

Taylor rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I can already tell he's angry with her being around, so I got to go talk to him. I excuse myself from Mrs. Caniff and go to our room to talk to him.

When I enter our room, I see Taylor on his bed, telekinetically throwing the ball up. "I don't want her here," he grumbles to me.

I sigh and walk over to him. I lay down on the bed and wrap my arms around him. "Tay, you don't mean that. I know you love your mother."

"That doesn't mean I want her around."

"Tay, I think you should talk to your mother about this. It might help," I advise.

"Yeah tell her that I don't want her to do the she loves and stop helping people around the country. That will make me the son of the year," Tay says sarcastically.

"It's not wrong to want your parents attention. Ever since my parents moved away for my dad's job, that's all I wanted. I missed my mom's cooking, my sisters hug, my dad's soothing voice," I say. I feel my eyes water a little bit as I talk about my family. I really miss them. They probably don't even know that I moved away.

(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The Private Party(shaylor) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now