seventeen - final

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As soon as Jaime left the band, everything went up from there. Vic and I were steady and  incredibly happy together. It had been about a month since everything went down. I felt so safe with Vic and I made sure he knew that.

"I love you." I spoke, kissing him lightly as we snuggled in our bed.

What I'd do without him, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I had him now and I wasn't ever letting him go. He meant everything to me.

The best part was that I meant everything to him, too.

I didn't need someone like him in my life. I needed him specifically.

"I love you, too. Don't forget it." He replied.

"I could never." I said, leaving warm kisses down his neck.

He smiled down at me and gently pushed my head away from his neck. He kissed me softly then pecked me quickly on the nose. He intertwined our fingers as I pulled myself closer to him, if possible.

"I'm glad everything is better now, Vic." I told him.

"I am too. I'll make sure it stays this way." He promised.

I nodded my head in response. Things literally could not get better than this. Well, that's what I thought at least.

I had all my friends back. I had my happiness back. I had my 'fans' back.

But most importantly...

I had Vic back and that's all that matters.

As long as we had each other, we had the whole world.

I was happy now and so was Vic. I was happy with my life and with myself. Vic helped me see myself as something better that I would've ever thought on my own. I walk around the house shirtless now. I do more intimate things with Vic. Our bond is incredible and it makes me feel wonderful inside. I love him so much and he loves me. That's all I need and that's all I'll ever need.

"Hey, babe?" Vic started.

"Hm?" I asked, looking at him with big eyes.

"When we're both ready, will you marry me?" He questioned.

A bright smile crept up on my face.

"Of course I will." I told him.

"Good. I'm glad. 'Cause I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. That's one thing I know for sure. I may not know what's ahead of us, or how long this good feeling will last, but I do know that know matter what, I'll always love you and I want to marry you." He smiled down at me.

My eyes began to water as I thought about being with Vic for the rest of my life and more. That's all I wanted and he was promising it to me.

"Oh, baby. Please don't cry." He cooed, wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so in love with you." I chuckled.

He bit his lip and leaned down before kissing me deeply. "I'm in love with you, too." He mumbled against my lips.

I kissed back with passion. I loved him so much. I'd never stop saying that.


"Vic, help. I'm just not getting it." I cried.

"It's okay, baby. I don't expect you to learn right away. You can do it." He kissed my forehead.

I moved my fingers along the string of the bass as the sound powered through the amp. Because PTV had lost Jaime, Vic was trying to help me learn the bass until they found a decent replacement. I wasn't doing a very good job.

I started over, hoping that I didn't mess up this time. Bulls in the Bronx surely wasn't an easy song to learn.

"B, Kellin. You play B after E, not G." Vic stated.

"You're confusing me!" I pouted.

"I'm sorry, darling. Let's take a break, okay?" He suggested.

"Yeah, okay." I put the instrument down and took my hair out of the small bun it was previously kept in.

Vic picked me up and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He took such good care of me. I was so incredibly infatuated with him at that moment. I was lucky.

A year later, I was on stage with my wonderful fiancé, slaying the bass like he had taught me to. The two other members of Pierce the Veil appreciated my presence greatly, I had a restraining order on Jaime and Beau, and I felt genuinely loved. Life was great and it stayed that way. Of course Vic and I got in small arguments, but at this point, nothing could tear us apart.

"What's up, San Diego?" Vic yelled into his microphone. "We're gonna start this show with one of our favorite songs so get up and off your feet!"

I heard Mike cue us with the hitting of his drumsticks, so I began playing.

B after E, not G. I reminded myself.

Bulls in the Bronx had become my favorite song to play live. I was still kinda awkward with stage presence and everything, but Vic sent me a reassuring look every once in a while to let me know that everything was okay. The large crowd was cheering for us as usual. Hometown shows were the best. It made me actually feel connected with the crowd and the energy was unreal. Vic came over to me during the time that he didn't have to play and belted out his beautiful notes. I bit my lip and smiled at the wonderful boy, earning a wink in return. That only told me how our night would end, if you know what I mean.

The crowd continued to scream until the concert was over. We went backstage to fully cool off. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, as did everyone else. Vic came over to me and kissed me softly. I could taste his salty lips as he held my hips and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

We were interrupted by a familiar pair of  menacing voices. "Good show tonight, boys."

I pulled away and turned, seeing Jaime and Beau standing together with smirks. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to the partners in crime.

"Excuse me, but I'm trying to get fucked my fiancé here. You know, the one you both wanted to fuck? Yeah, that's the one. And I believe I have a restraining order on both of you rats, so I suggest you get out so we can get going."

This story was so bad I apologize ):

How did you like the ending anyway?

Did you wish it ended differently?

What would you like to have happened?

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The First Punch (sequel to Change) | kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now