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        I loved breakfast. 

        It was my favorite time of day. I always ran downstairs in an attempt to be the first one to get breakfast so that I had a variety of choices and wasn't left with watery oatmeal when the other kids at the orphanage woke up. 

        When I was little, I used to sit on a stool beside my mom as she made pancakes with chocolate chips. I would steal a chocolate chip when she wasn't looking, but she always caught me and would tickle me until I confessed. Dad would come downstairs, and we would have a race to see who could eat the most pancakes and still be able to move. 

        But a real problem arose when I woke up the next morning to realize that I had no idea where to find breakfast. 

        Groaning, I tumbled out of bed and searched the closet for something to wear. I pulled on a maroon sweater and a pair of black leggings. I braided my hair into a simple side braid and brushed the hair that escaped in front out of my eyes. Pulling on a pair of brown combat boots, I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with cold water before exiting the room.

        I trudged tiredly down the hall in search of breakfast. First I turned right; I kind of had an idea where I was going that way. But after 20 minutes of searching to no avail, I gave up and retraced my steps. This time I went to the left, unsure where I was going. I walked around for a few minutes, looking out for people to ask or signs that would tell me where to go. This place was a maze. I turned the millionth corner that morning and bumped headfirst into Natasha. She looked down, startled, and smiled when she realized it was me. 

        "Hi, Caly," she said. 

        "Hey," I replied, my cheeks flaming. "Um, do you happen to know where I could find breakfast?" I asked, yawning. 

        She grinned. "I was just headed there. Follow me." 

        A huge smile appeared on my face. "Finally," I sighed, making her laugh. 

        We walked back where I had come from (of course) and stopped at a door I had completely bypassed. It was funny how it was right by the hall to my room. I rolled my eyes at how stupid I must look and followed her inside. 

        Immediately, I was hit with the wonderful smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Squealing giddily, I did a little victory dance. 

        "Thanks, Natasha!" I yelled excitedly, and she smiled. 

        "You can call me Nat," she told me, and I grinned back at her. 

        We stood in line for the buffet for what seemed like centuries. Finally, we grabbed our plates and were at the front. I piled everything onto my plate: scrambled eggs, hash browns, pancakes, strawberries, and a heaping pile of bacon. I grabbed a cup of orange juice and waited for Nat. 

        She looked at my place incredulously. "You're seriously going to eat all of that?" she asked, and when I nodded, she shrugged. "And I thought Clint had a big appetite."

        She led me to a table in the corner of the room. Sitting there was Clint and another man whom I didn't recognize. He was blonde with bright blue eyes that captivated my own. He was well built and wearing a white shirt and a pair of jeans with a brown leather jacket. 

        "I would say good morning, but mornings are never good," Clint said, and I smiled. 

        "I don't think you two have met," Nat said, gesturing to the man. "This is Steve. He goes by Captain America, or Cap, on the battlefield." I raised my eyebrows. This was Steve? Holy crap. I had been talking to this guy in a dark room at 2am last night. I blushed. 

Tigress ➳ An Avengers Fanfic (Book 1 of the Scepter Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now