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        Clint informed us a few minutes later that Fury wanted to see me to explain why I was here. After a few minutes of convincing, they led me to the conference room I had burst into before. 

        Fury was sitting at the head of the glass table, a stack of papers in front of him. He smiled slightly when we walked in and gestured for us to sit. 

        "Where's Cap?" Nat asked, and Fury shrugged. 

        "I don't think he's coming to this meeting," Fury said, but the only thing I could think was Who's Cap? 

        Fury sighed and turned to me. "Calypso, I know you're wondering who you're here. When we told you you were special, you flipped out. But you are. Everyone in this room is special, too. You saw Agent Romanoff fight earlier." "Wait, who?" He pointed to Natasha. I raised an eyebrow. 


        "An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Fury explained, and I stared at him blankly. He cleared his throat and went on. "Tony Stark is a hero of New York, best known as Iron Man. We're trying to recruit him." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me. "Clint is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well. Bruce Banner, another man whom we have been watching, is a result of a blast of gamma radiation." I looked confused. "He turns into a giant, green, angry monster," Fury explained. I blew a breath out from puffed cheeks. "They're all special. You are too. We've been watching you, Calypso. You have the special qualities to be an Avenger. You have yet to discover them."

       I blinked. Was I really hearing this? 

        "If you will, I would like you to go with the others to try and discover that talent of yours." Fury stood up. "I know you're scared and shocked. But give it a chance. Please." 

        I thought about it. I was just a normal girl. What could be special about me? Even if there was something, why had I forgotten it? But what if there was something special? I figured it was worth a shot. Why not? They'll let me go once they realize I'm not special. I slowly nodded, and Nat and Clint cheered, grabbing me and pushing me out of the room. 

        Fury grabbed my wrist before I left. "You can do it. Thank you for agreeing to this." I nodded and smiled slightly before being whisked back to the training room. 

        "Okay," Natasha said, sitting me down in the ring and placing her hands on the floor. "What can you do?" I gave her a Seriously? look, and she rolled her eyes. "Don't be sarcastic with me, Caly. What can you do?" I though about it. 

        "Um, I once ate an entire pizza by myself, and I have an amazing sense of humor," I said, and Clint laughed. Even Natasha cracked a smile. 

        "Oh no, look out for that Calypso! She'll eat you before you can beg for mercy!" Clint joked, twirling an arrow between his fingers, and I laughed. 

        "Okay, but is there anything else? Anything slightly relevant to being a hero?" she asked, and I shrugged. 

        "I haven't really tried anything," I said honestly, and she rubbed her hands together, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. I winced. 

        "Nope, don't even think about it-" I started, but she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the weapon wall.

        "Time to experiment!" she yelled excitedly, dropping my arm and whispering something to Clint. I frowned at Natasha and crossed my arms. Clint handed me a bow, and I palmed it hesitantly. 

        "Uh, what am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. Natasha led me over to a target. 

        "Shoot it." 

        I gave her a sarcastic look. She grinned and switched places with Clint, who handed me an arrow with a yellow band. I looked nervously at it. He showed me how to hold the bow and helped me notch the arrow. He guided my arms back and showed me how to release the arrow. It flew straight into the center of the target. He handed me another arrow and stepped back. 

        "Now try it on your own," he said, and I let out a shaky breath. I tried to copy what I had done before, notching the arrow and pulling it back. Letting out a breath, I released the arrow. It arced gracefully, straight into the ceiling. I winced as ceiling fell down on top of the target, crushing it. 

        "Oops," I said, cringing at the sight, my cheeks turning pink. The others laughed. 

        "Nope, that's not it," Natasha said, tugging the bow out of my hands and handing it to Clint. She handed me a knife and guided me over to another target.

        I shook my head immediately. "I don't think this is right either," I said, but she shushed me and shoved me how to throw the knife. When she helped me, it thudded into the center of the target. But when I did it alone, it bounced off the tile floor and hit the wall. 

        Natasha shook her head, laughing quietly. My face burned, and I sighed at myself. 

        She helped me into the ring and showed me a few fighting moves. I tried to mimic her as best as I could, but I felt like an idiot. When we fought, I was on my back in three seconds flat. 

        Natasha helped me up, staring quizzically at me. I felt bad. I wasn't special, but because I had wanted to see if I was, I had wasted their time and destroyed a few of their things. 

        It was late by the time I returned to my room, completely exhausted by the day's events. I searched through the closet and pulled out a gray tank top and a pair of plaid shorts and slipped them on, not caring how they got there. I collapsed onto the bed, pulling the soft blankets up to my chin. Immediately, I fell asleep.

Tigress ➳ An Avengers Fanfic (Book 1 of the Scepter Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now