Chapter 10

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[Mitch's POV]

So Adam told Quentin, (Mudkip) Ty, (Deadlox) and Jason what had happened. I assume that Jerome told Adam what happened and this was the outcome. I didn't have a problem with it, it wasn't something that needed to be kept secret. I nodded and they stepped aside so I could pay for my groceries. We were walking back to my place when Ty asked about the details of what happened. I scratched my head and started to tell any possible details that could've been missed. "Well I invited Jerome over to my house to play some games and chill and I heard a knock on my door, assuming it was Jerome I went to go answer it and someone rushed in and knocked me out, all I remember was waking up tied up on my bedroom floor and my body hurt like hell." I looked over to them and continued, "Then this guy kept asking for something and he said 'I'm going to kill you.' and I said 'go for it' and then Jerome came in and cut up his stomach and then I was in the hospital." They looked at me to keep going, so I did. "I left the hospital, stayed with Jerome for three days while we played minecraft and ate pizza and..." I thought about when we kissed, I wasn't gonna say it, but I felt like I was about to when I said, "...and now I'm back home and that's basically it."

[Ty's POV]

So Mitch had just finished telling us what had happened to him the past three days. I'm pretty sure that I spoke for all of us when I say we were shocked at how all of that happened, and how Mitch was so calm about it. He showed literally no signs of any post-traumatic stress or anything. All I could say was, "Wow." Mitch just laughed and we were back at his house, we all walked inside and Jerome was watching TV. He turned around and said hi and we all walked over and watched a football game together. Mitch and Jerome sat on the end, and Jason next to them. Then Quentin and I sat on the two person couch. After the game ended Jason and Quentin left first, I chatted with Mitch and Jerome a little bit, then said goodnight and left. I was extremely tired from late night recording.

[Jerome's POV]

After an awesome football game, and after everyone left, it was me and Mitch again. Like as soon as everyone left, Mitch was already laying on my shoulder and getting all cuddly and cute. This didn't bother me and I was really happy that we could get some more alone time after a pretty eventful day, but before anything else I wanted to help Mitch put his groceries away because they'd end up spoiling soon. "Before we do anything Biggums, I think we should put the groceries away." Mitch groaned, "But I don't wannnnaaaaaaa!" He sounded like a fussy two-year-old. I kissed him on the forehead, "Come on for every one you help me put away I will give you a kiss." That got him up and going, there were quite a lot of groceries so Mitch got lucky, very lucky.

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