Chapter 6

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[Mitch's POV]

After collecting my thoughts in about a minute or two, I was back to "normal" I guess. There were only 5 people left, so someone had to be killed. I was running around to look for someone to kill so the Death Match would happen sooner, I was starting to get hungry. I hadn't found anyone, I was passing one of the buildings when I saw someone's gamer tag pop up. I snuck inside, holding down my shift key. I walked up the steps and found a person, and I immediately attacked and killed them in one fair swoop. "[Server] CheekyMonkey521 killed by BajanCanadian." (AN: Totally random name btw) "Yes!" I said happily. "Good job Biggums!" I heard Jerome say. "Thanks buddy!" I said, ready for the D-Match. We were teleported to the arena with floating platform above lava. There was me, Jerome, and two other players. I went for one and Jerome went for the other, bringing out Betty at the last second. "CHOPCHOPCHOP!" I heard Jerome yell as he killed one of the players. I was shooting at the other one with arrows, hoping to knock them off. 

[Jerome's POV]

I was watching Mitch shoot at the last opponent with his bow when I noticed that the guy had an ender pearl out. "Careful Biggums he has an ender pearl!" I told him as the guy threw it and was behind Mitch in an instant. Mitch quickly turned around and started hitting the guy with an iron sword and doing his "circle strategy" and they both managed to kill each other. "[Server] McCuddlyButt and BajanCanadian killed." (AN: Mmm, dem names ;3) "[Server] JeromeASF Wins!" "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Mitch yelled, throwing his hands up in the air and laughing a little bit. "I dunno Biggums, but I do know one thing." "Oh yeah?" he asked spinning his chair around to face me. "Yeah!" I said, "You're paying for pizza tonight!" I said, sticking my tongue out at him and waving my hands around happily. In response Mitch threw a pillow at me. "Eyyyy, what was that for?" I asked throwing the pillow back at him. "No reasonnnn!" He said as he laughed and spun around in his chair a few times. 

[Mitch's POV] 

So Jerome won the Hunger Games, and I had to pay for pizza. We got one large pie that was half plain, half meat lover's pie. We ate in Jerome's kitchen, at his counter. We didn't really say much at first, so I just kept bumping my foot against his, and he'd do the same thing back. We giggled a little at first, and then we had a full-on foot war. It was pretty fun and we were smashing our feet together, until we hit our ankles together, it really hurt. "OWWW!" We both yelled simultaneously. I was rubbing my ankle to make some of the pain go away, and when I looked up, me and Jerome's faces were only inches apart.

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