Chapter 6

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A cut on my arm and a bruise on my knee. Oh, how I missed Roman war games.

How I got the bruise was a mystery. I did my best during the game to make rapid yet accurate leg movements so I can avoid much unwanted enemies as possible. Playing against the First and Second Cohorts can make almost anyone competitive.

But how I got the cut... I can't get it out off my head.

Minutes before the game started, I was in the center of the Fields of Mars preparing the Fifth Cohorts's Imperial gold weapons, Reyna and Gwen just about ten steps away from me. I volunteered to do it since I do owe them a lot; it was the least I could do. Dakota was talking to Hazel, who I remembered was the current female centurion, not Gwen, on the western area of the battlefield. I guess Gwen not being a centurion is something that changed in the Roman camp apart from me.

I was determinedly sharpening the tip of an explosive arrow, the final weapon to improve, when I heard Gwen start another conversation with my once fellow praetor.

"So you're not leading this challenge with Frank?" She asked.

"I shouldn't be helping you legionnaires if not." Reyna snorted.

Gwen jumped up and down as if we had already won. "I'm so glad you're gonna play with us again! We never had a war game together ever since you and Jason became praetors!" She groaned. "It's just like what it was before!"

Reyna looked at her friend like she just heard the worst news possible. "Gwen, you know things will never be the way it was before."

Up north, Frank can be seen frantically preparing to commence the game. It was distracting to see him walk left and right as he tried to keep himself calm. He looks like he's about to pass out from his nervousness. Perhaps it was his first time to do this alone. Many campers got most of their attention on the anxious son of Mars, including me.

Still, the two girls near me were not affected, since I still heard their voices.

"Is it because of him?" Gwen said in a teasing voice.

I felt half of Frank's nervousness in me.

"What?" Reyna sounded confused.

"Is Jason the reason why you're playing with us too?" Gwen asked with the same tone.

I turned to look at them.

"What?! No, Gwendolyn!" Reyna spoke defensively, scowling at Gwen.

Gwen sighed, putting a hand on Reyna's shoulder. Her eyes suddenly turned sad, as if she was pitying the daughter of Bellona. "You still love Jason, do you?"

She didn't get an answer.

I felt as if I can't ever move again, even just one muscle. It was like guilt was a disease which had completely taken over my mind and body.

I knew Reyna had feelings for me. This is why I had hurt her more in my absence. I didn't expect her to be okay now. But I also didn't know if what she felt remained.

Just then, Frank opened the games. I was still stunned that I didn't notice a boy about eighteen-years-old quickly came at my right and slid his sword on my arm. It was so unfair; I was unprepared. It was a good thing I recovered quickly after that.

Until now, I still can't stop thinking about it. About an hour ago, I went here to my room for that reason, but I guess I won't get my mind cleared no matter how serene it was.

Then I remembered: someone once told me the Garden of Bacchus always helps a troubled mind.

I decided I should go to the garden and not care about the camp's curfew.

It was great that my room had another exit, a way out without bothering Frank. Before leaving, I locked the door ajoining to the main room and closed the windows. Carefully, I snuck out into the night.

The empty clearing was a great problem. I did my best to keep hidden in the dark. Getting caught by a harpy in my first night again here was not a good idea.

Miraculously, I reached the gardens without encountering a single Roman being. I was already strolling around the place for a minute or two when I heard a loud rustling of leaves and the swishing of something that may be cloth. The mysterious sounds were coming from somewhere further in the gardens, perhaps the from the bushes of a kind of flower which was new to me.

The hairs on my arms stood up. The wind was so faint; it could not have caused such sounds.

And then, the moonlight helped to stop my fears. It became brighter and shone on the spot where the sounds have emanated, letting me know who also was in the Garden of Bacchus at forbidden hours.

Now I remember who told me about how great these gardens where. It was Reyna Ramirez-Arellano.

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