Chapter Thirty-Two: Concert in NC part 2

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-Chapter 32-

F, F, A#, A#, C, C, C, C, F. F, A#, A#, C, C, C...

I played the melody, though the music showed me all kinds of complicated chords. I repeated it throughout the song, until we got to the chorus. 

I started to repeat what I had been playing. It took me a second to remember what part of the song we were at. The audience could tell; they laughed a little and saw some girls in the front row point at me and whisper to their friends. I caught up with myself, though. 

A, G, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, G, A, G, A, G, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, G, A, G....

This was hard. 

The rest of the night was disastrous. I didn't know what I was doing. My face burned red, I could feel it. During the twitter questions, I unplugged the keyboard. 

At the end of the concert, I packed up the piano and went straight for my phone. I couldn't survive another night as Jon. We needed to figure out how to undo it as soon as possible. 

Thank goodness there was no meet-and-greet at this one. 

I sat in the back of the tour bus that day. I checked my phone; it was 4:49pm. Eleven minutes til the hour. 

So I called Jon. 

"We need to do this now. I can't play piano like you."

"You - what?"

"You had a concert in North Carolina, remember? I had to play for you!"

"Oh, right... How did it go?"

"I don't want to talk about it. The point is, we need to get this undone. I have the book here. I'm reading it. 'Do this with your arms while chanting this... when it's done you'll know it worked if... once the spell is...'" I trailed off.


"'Once the spell is cast, it.. it..."

"It can't be undone, can it?"

" can't..."

I wanted to cry. I wished and wished, but nothing changed. 

Then I remembered. 



So, throughout this book, I asked you guys who you thought did it. 

Here were the results of that:

4 Mailey

1 Dylan

1 Niall

1 Josh

1 Sierra Boggess

(I'll let you know, since there's three chapters left, that it was Mailey XD)


K. Rant over. When I go back to edit this someday and make sure everything fits, and that I didn't look over spelling/grammar errors, I think I'll try to make it seem like Tessa did it. I'll also make sure future readers love Mailey and hate Tessa and don't suspect a thing. I might also add a chapter where they capture and talk to Mailey... etc. Anyways, good job to all 4 of you for gussing correctly. I'm impressed. 

Speaking of editing, though, although I edit a bunch of my friends' stories, I will need someone other than myself to edit this once I finish for speeling, grammar, and possibly some feedback on what I could add / what isn't needed, etc. So if any of my readers are interested in editing this when it's all over, make sure to drop a comment!


(Once again, my Author's Note is longer than the chapter... pshhh no I'm not like this in real life... XD)

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