Chapter Nineteen: Ten Minutes

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I'm working on Chapter 31, so I decided to post the next chapter since I'm probably going to finish it today or tomorrow :D



-Chapter 19-

I blinked. 

I'm... JON??

But, I don't think like Jon. I'm consious that I'm not really Jon.


The first thing I thought to do was find myself. That sounds really deep, I know, but I mean it in the most literal way possible. 

I looked around for a door. I found the one leading to the stage and walked through it. I nearly tripped over my new feet. 

And that's when I saw a very familiar, bewildered-looking, red-headed girl. 

"What- what just happened??" Jon as me said.

"That's a really good question..." Me as Jon said. My voice felt weird. It was so... low. 

It felt so strange to talk to myself. Quite literally, I might add. 

"We have to do something!" I stated frantically. "I can't stay like this! I have so much I have to do with my life! No offense, but I don't exactly trust you to finish up my life for me!!"

I'm never going to get used to this voice, am I?

"Wait, slow down. I know we can undo this. But first we have to figure out how much time we have before you - I mean, I - well, YOU have to leave. When this meeting time with One Direction is over. Any ideas?"

That did NOT sound like something I would say. I guess it wasn't really me saying this, was it?

Then I remembered something. 

"When...when THIS happened, as soon as I was fully conscious again, I saw someone run out of the room. Do you remember who it was?"

Jon's - er, MY face scrunched up as if in thought. "I don't remember. I do remember going into the dressing room, seeing... um...a..." he trailed off.

"I don't remember either," I admitted. 

"Well, we can't let that hold us back right now, We need to find out how much time we have left," he said. 

"Right. You go ask," I said. 

"No, it would look like you're - well, I'm - well, YOU'RE ready to leave. You ask!" 

"Right... I look like you. Fine. I'll ask. But you need to come with me and beg for more time!"

"Deal. Let's go."


We walked together backstage, both of us still getting used to the new sizes of our feet, legs and hands. We really needed to be good liars if this was going to work.

"Yo, Paul!" I called to him as we walked toward him.

"Too cool," Jon muttered. 

"Um, yes?" Paul said, walking toward us, squinting in confusion. 

"Er, um, how much time do we have left together until I - er, she has to go back home?"

Paul looked at his watch. "About ten minutes. I'd start wrapping up if I were you."

"But, can't we have just a LITTLE more time? Five minutes?" Jon as me said.

"Sorry, kid, no can do. We've got a show tomorrow in North Carolina. We need to start driving as soon as we can."

I looked at Jon with a worried face, but he was a better liar than me. He simply nodded and turned around. 

Paul smirked at me, like 'Someone's got a crush!'

I turned around, too. I could see Jon's face slightly, his long hair dangling in his face the way mine used to. He was biting his lip, thinking hard.

"If we... well, we could... or maybe... well, if...... Let's face it, I've got nothing." he admitted.

I sighed. 

Mailey came up to us. She was wearing a necklace with a little drum on it. 

Oh, no. Oh, no no no. 

"Hey, Cynthia!" she said, looking at Jon. "Niall said he wanted to meet you! How cool is that?! Go talk to him!!" she grinned. She was adorable but she had no idea how frustrated I was at that moment. 

"Right, yeah. Ok," Jon stammered. 

"Don't mess this up for me," I whisper-shouted through my teeth at him. 

"What Jon?"

"N-nothing..." I cringed. 

"Hey, I was wondering, could you show me some notes on the piano, too?"

Think fast, Cynthia, think fast...

"Um, I'd love to, but I just put it away, and it's hard to set up. I'm not sure we'll have time anyways... Say, um, where'd you get that necklace?" I rambled. 

I must be a good liar, because she didn't seem suspicious about anything.

"Oh, I got it for my birthday last year. It's my good luck charm!"

"Oh, cool," I said, though I wasn't really listening. 

I had to think fast. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, but ended up standing outside of them, not sure whether I should go into the Mens or Womens.

So I thought. 

Ten minutes. 

I had 600 seconds to figure out how to get out of this mess. 

Jon was right. If we could figure out how it happened, we'd at least have a start to work backwards from. 

But as of that moment, there was nothing to do. 

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