Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Heading to Eleanor's the next morning, I wasn't feeling quite as refreshed as I had hoped to be after my supposed day off. After Crystal and Edwin had left, I had written up a detailed report on everything that had happened that day and emailed it to Monique. I decided not to include the follow up friendly visit from Griffin, just that the LAPD had delivered my car to me at home. I also notified her that I would be returning to my assignment with Eleanor Channing today. The email back had been short and sweet but the thrust of it was to be careful.

Eleanor's house was noisy when I got there. Yesterday had been an anomaly for Eleanor, to be alone. Today things were back to normal. To be perfectly honest I have no idea what half the people who are around Eleanor do. I know her manager, the cook, the housekeeper, the maids and the bodyguards. Basically I know the people in her life who have easily definable jobs. Then there are the people who just seem to be there to tell her how wonderful she is. Usually I ignore these people. The only reason they speak to me is because as her PA, they believe I can give them more access to Eleanor than they already have.

In the lower foyer, Jorge, one of Eleanor's regular roster of bodyguards that Monique provides, lounged against the wall. Great. That meant we were going out today. Silly me, I thought the fact that your ex-boyfriend had died meant that you'd stay at home and maybe mourn for a minute or two. Obviously not.

"Hope that's strong," Jorge said, looking at the coffee in my hand.

"It always is," I replied.

Jorge was one of the few bodyguards that I could tolerate. He knew his business and managed to do it discreetly.

"Heard you were there yesterday," Jorge remarked, only looking slightly interested as he drank his own coffee.

"Yeah, I was," I replied carefully.

"Any fallout I should be aware of?" Jorge asked, and this was why he was one of the better bodyguards. Despite the fact the man was huge, like a mountain with tattoos all over him, and biceps which I have on occasion imagined swinging from, he actually had a brain that worked out the possible threats to his charge before they happened. He was also careful in what he did and tried not to trample over too many enthusiastic fans while he did his job.

"She was there when Ryan Hendricks died. You're going to have people who think that she was to blame. Whatever they come up with, whether it is drugs or something else, there are going to be a lot of fans who are going to think it was her fault."

"Do you think it was drugs?" Jorge asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Probably. You know how it is. I didn't think Ryan did drugs but what would I know?"

"Guess you'd better get up to her," Jorge said.

"Have you seen her yet?" I asked.

"Nah, she's still in her room with her therapist. I think the poor shrink ended up having to sleep in her room all night and get woken up on demand."


I made my way up the stairs and knocked quietly on the door. Opening it, I found Eleanor still in bed, the therapist sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, looking like she was quietly nodding off to sleep. Eleanor however was awake and just sitting there looking out of the window.

"Miss Channing," I said quietly, trying not to disturb her too much. "Is there anything you need me to get you?"

I didn't really expect anything at this stage. To keep her stunning, impossible for normal people to attain figure, Eleanor pretty much existed on a no fat, no sugar and no fun diet. This meant coffee, cigarettes, occasional salads and a binge every now and again, followed by a period of self-flagellation with the latest toxin cleansing diet which was making the rounds. During this time, believe me, everyone suffered.

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