Chap. 6

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Its been a week since I met Conner and I still havent built up the courage to call ot even text him for that matter. I didnt know what to do right now.  I was stuck. 

I told Ryan about what Conner explained to me and he agreed 100%. As soon as I finished telling him me and Conner's conversation, he immediately took a liking to him. He thinks Conner and I  would be good friends and that I should hang out with him. But im not sure how I feel about getting close to Conner.

One, because hes this hot, dangerous, tattooed bad boy. And also because im not sure that I should be thinking about another guy right now in my current situation.

'You really shouldn't be thinking about another guy right now.  Focus on trying to get Blake to want us again so that way we I could be happy'. I was shocked by the selfish moment my wolf was having but I just couldn't understand why she wouldn't give up on the whole 'try to get Blake back ' thing when he made it perfectly clear, many times that he didnt want us.

'We can't give up'. She whispered inside my head.

'He did, so we can too' I replied back and just like that her voice disappeared from my head.

I leaned my head against the tiles in the shower and took a deep breath as the warm water poured over me.

I grabbed my towel and climbed out of the shower when I heard my phone ringing. By time I got to it, it was silent.  I looked at my missed call log to see that it was Conner who was calling.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang. I looked at myself to see I was still wrapped in my towel and my hair was dropping.  So I grabbed some shorts and a large t-shirt and went to answer the door.  Conner was standing on the other side in a fitted black v-neck shirt with dark jeans.  His hair was messy which have him an even badder look and got tattoo was showing.

"Hey" He said smirking when he caught me checking him out.

"Hi" I said while awkwardly holding the door open.

"I called a few minutes ago.  You didn't answer". I gave a slight smile before answering.
"Sorry I was in the shower. Come in?" I asked as I moved out of the way so he could enter.

"By the time I got to the phone, if stopped ringing. " I led him to the living room where he sat down at watched me.

"Do you want something to drink?" i asked quickly as he continued to stare at me.  I'm sure he could clearly see how nervous he was making me.

"whatever your're having". As soon as the words left his mouth, I popped out my seat and practically powers walked into the kitchen. I got myself a glass of red wine and got Conner one of Ryan's beers that he left in the fridge. I looked down at myself and sighed when I realized I was way too under dressed for this surprise visit.  I was showing way to much skin, especially since I was wearing short shorts. I took a deep breathe and walked slowly into the living room.

When he noticed the beer in my hand, he smirked and took it from me.

"Are you trying to get me drunk already?"

"No.  I thought you'd want that unless you want wine". I said nervously.

"I was joking Katherine. The beer is fine. I've been waiting for your call or text this week. " I didn't know what to say.

"I was just busy with Anna and everything.  It slipped my mind.  " At least the first part was true but as far as the second part, I thought of contacting Conner all week just to get to know him and to take my mind off of things.

"It's that your dog?" He took a huge swig of his wine.  His question left me confused.


"Anna. Is that the name of your dog?" Realization settled in.  I told him about Anna. I didn't want him to know yet because I didnt want him to judge me about it. I didnt want yo tell him about her until I really knew him but I guess that time is now.

"I don't have a dog" I looked at him then looked down at the wine glass between my fingers. "Anna's my daughter" I said quietly.  Hewas the one that broke the 5 minutes of silence.

"What" He asked lowering the beer in his hands.  This is exactly what I didnt want.

" I have a daughter and her name is Anna." I replied.  And just like that. I was being judged by the only other person I thought would be able to understand what hell I've been through these past months.


Hi everyone,

Im soooooo sorry for such a delay in updating.  Everything has been crazy since school started and I just haven't had any free time because I'm working also.  I also wanted to add that it is taking me a lot longer than usual to update since Im typing each chapter on my phone.  I have completely given up on my computer.  Not only does it turns of when you unplug it (which I've learn is from the battery) but it doesn't save any of the work I do.  I had a project and I ended up doing the whole thing over twice because I want aware that it wasn't saving.

Anyways, THANK YOU guys for all of the awesome comments and votes. I really appreciate it and us happy your still reading my story after a long time.






Untill next time you fantabulous wattpaders <3

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