Chap. 2

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Hey Everyone, Once again i'm sorry for such a long upload time. I really didn't want to make you guys wait this long but I was changing things with the chapter so I can make it go in the direction I wanted.

Okay, so firstly.. I would like to dedicate this chapter to @omfg_Julia. She created this amazing book cover soo. I love it soooo much. So everyone who's reading this follow her for me please !!

Well heres another chapter.. Please



&& FOLLOW!!!



I woke up to the sun shining directly in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over to at least try to block the strong rays. I froze when I heard the doorbell ring. I froze in my spot and looked at the clock trying to figure out who would come over so early but was shocked when the clock read 1:52 PM. I gasped and jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I flung it open and saw them.

I smiled when I saw them standing there.

"Say Hi mommy" Ryan whispered to Anna.

"I" She said in her cute little voice.

"Hi my baby. I missed you soo so much." I took her from Ryan's arms and snuggled her in mine. I moved over to the side so Ryan can come inside.

"So apparently there is this Gala party tomorrow night." Ryan said plopping down on the chair beside my and Anna.

"Gala? What's so important that the pack needs to plan a gala for" I asked confused.

"There is another pack visiting tomorrow. The 'Midnight pack'. From what everyone is saying, they are the most dangerous but strongest pack."

"Ok. Why are they coming?"

"There has been threats amongst many people in our pack. Manly the women and children." I looked down at Anna who was playing with her doll in my lap. I couldn't imagine anyone hurting her. "There has been letters and emails coming in for about two weeks now. We haven't been able to trace them, there were no return addresses on the letters, there was nothing that would help us. We've tried everything. We even got the packs smartest computer people to try and see where the emails came from but they couldn't." Ryan rubbed his hands through his hair and let out a long breath.

"That's strange. Do you know what most of the emails and letters had In them."

"Not that I know of. Your going to have to ask Blake and his dad. They haven't really told a lot of people enough information to actually know how big the problem is but i'm guessing that since the 'midnight' pack her coming tomorrow, then the situation is life threatening."

I looked at Anna with sad eyes.

"I guess we're going to have to see your daddy today". By the time we got to the pack house it was around 4 something.

I held Anna in my arms as I walked inside and to Blake's old office. There were a few people there but they didn't do anything besides roll there eyes and continue walking. I heard a few voices on the other side of the closed door so I decided knocking would be best. I wouldn't want to give anyone else a reason to hate me anymore than they already do.

"Come in" I heard. I opened the door slowly and looked around to see Blake, his dad and John, his Beta. John smiled at me and Anna as I walked into the room.

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