Chap. 4

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Hey Everyone.. im sorry its so shorrt

I hope you like it and PLEASE read the note underneath.

WARNING: This chapter was typed from a smartphone.


Ryan POV

I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I looked around and saw that I was on the floor beside the couch, which I was suppose to be sleeping on. I saw that Kat was nowhere in sight so Im guessing she is already up or unconscious somewhere else.

I ran my hands over my face as I remembered the party for the new pack was tonight. I slowly got up from the floor and slipped my sneakers on. I folded the blanket I slept under and sat it on the couch before walking in the kitchen to find Kat sitting at the table with head on her hands snoring softly. I smiled as I walked over to her and moved one of her hands and watched as her head fell then bounced back up, her eyes wide and disoriented.

"Your up" she mumbled while getting up from the chair and walking over to the fridge.

"Why were you sleeping in here" I asked her curiously.

She turned from the fridge with two bottles of water. "Because I was waiting for you to wake up to get you water for your hangover but I guess you took to long" she said shrugging her shoulders and handing me the water.

"You should probably get ready for the party tonight. The other pack is arriving later and Blake wants everyone present for there arrival. And speaking of Blake, I have to go talk to him" She looked sad that I was leaving. She even pouted her bottom lip which was adorable in brother/sister way.

"I guess I'll see you later" she mumbled as she followed me to the door.

"Things will get better kat, just keep your head up. And plus you dont have to be sad that im leaving because I think Anna is up." We stopped talking and sure enough we heard Anna crying.

"Your evil" She mumbled under her breath which cause me to laugh before walking to my car.

Blake POV

I looked out my bedroom window to see Ryan pulling up. I sighed and turned around, ready to leave the room when I looked around.

There was nothing in this room that reminded me of her. Everything she brought into this house is now gone. The dressers are empty, the closest is empty of her clothes, even her amazing smell isnt even lingering in the air anymore. I looked over to the bed me and her shared. The bed that we've made love in plenty of times, the bed she slept in when she was pregnany with Anna. Speaking of Anna, the house is utterly quiet due to her absence. I missed Anna. I missed them both actually but Katherine really hurt me. The anger I felt that night she locked me and Christina in that room is the same anger I feel whenever I see her.

"Blake" I heard Ryan call from downstairs somewhere. I went down to the living room to see him standing against the wall. Ryan hasnt exactly been around alot since the situation. He stopped coming around when Katherine left and he hasnt realky spoken to me except for when I told him about the new pack.

"I just want to know when exactly the new pack is gonna be here so i know when to come."

"around 8 or 8:30" I said crossing my arms just like his.

"He nodded his head before straightening himself and walking to the door.

"How is she" He turnes around when he heard me speak.

" what do you mean how is she. You know how she is, you seen her yesterday havent you? Or did you ignore her presence like youve been doing for the pass six months" he said raising his voice.

"Watch yourself. Im your Alpha and you do as I say. And I say I dont like your tone of voice." He looked surprised for a second before his angry face returned.

"No you better watch yourself Spencer. Not only did you hurt my best friend but you hurt my sister and Iprotect my family from people like you who are always hurting them. You dont deserve her. Shes way better off without you." He said stepping closer.

"Watch yourself Ryan" I growled at him as I moved forward myself.

"You shouldnt even have a mate. Fate should've just left your a*s mateless so that way you could be happy sleeping with everything that f* king walks. You shouldn't have someone nice like Katherine. You deserve someone like that b*tch Camille. You two were perfect for each other." Hr growled louder before turning around and walking out the door, slamming it shut. I followed after him, heated. How dare he talk to someone above him.

"If you know what's good for you, you'd close your mouth before the same goddamn thing happen to you that happened to her. I will get Katherine back when I feel I want her back." He stopped in his tracks and shook his head with amusement and hatred in his eyes. but mainly hatred.

"Your a f*cking dumba*s if you think she wants you back after everything you put her through. She's not going to take you back, with or without my help." His words shocked me a little. Hes really close with katherine so right now he could be telling me what she told him or he could be lying.

"My mate will take me back so I suggest you get in your car and leave before you get hurt" I growled. My wolf was upset and on the verge of taking over. All amusement wiped from his face as he watched me.

"You think you know 'my' sister better than I do. Why don't you give her call and find out for yourself or are you to big of a p*ssy." He left me standing there contemplating on whether to rip his head off, call Katherine to find out the truth, or to ignore everything he said and act like none of it happened. I watched as he sped down the street.

"F*ck" I mumbled under my breath.

'I told you she wanted nothing to do with you' my wolf said loudly in my head.



Just like I promised I would update earlier if we got to 100 votes which I was very excited about when I saw we had over 80 votes the next day I posted chapter 3. I continued to watch to see when we reached over 100 votes but it stopped in the 90's for a day or two..but anyways, I was really happy when we

reached 100 in a matter of days.

sooooo I wanted to see if we can get to 200 votes for me to post the next chapter.

Dont forget to





Until next time

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